Thursday, July 23, 2020

Interesting Ohio politics & November Election

Interesting Ohio politics which might ultimately have a bearing on November Election

Here is the link to the Ohio Dispatch which is covering the issue in detail. However you might find it difficult to deal with their website.

Ohio house speaker arrested in FBI $60M bribery investigation:

Basic facts:

1. Ohio has two nuclear plants along Lake Ohio, one here in Lake County. Both have been taking a  hit from the energy situation and were like to go under.  There were good reasons for  maintaining them. They provide jobs and also tax revenue for local government. The huge tax from our nuclear plant funded things such as our local  mental health levy for not only us but all the surrounding counties served by the plant.  Nuclear is the only present alternative to coal; its advocates see it as a way station toward carbon free energy (e.g. wind and solar).

2. Enter Larry Household a former House Speaker who wanted his job back.

3. Householder through an associate  formed Generation Now to funnel money from Company A to his efforts to regain his leadership post and move a billion-dollar bailout bill. As a 501(c)(4), Generation Now did not have to disclose its donors and was free of regulation by the Federal Election Commission. It was supposed to focus its efforts on social welfare and was not supposed to financially benefit a shareholder or individual or engage primarily in political activities or campaigns, It did none of what it was supposed to do, and much that it was not supposed to do.

4. Company A directed $61 million to the nonprofit over a three-year period. The funds were then used to back Householder-supporting legislative candidates so that he could secure the Speaker’s seat, for advertising to build support for HB 6, and to ensure opponents did not gain sufficient signatures in their attempt to overturn the resulting state law changes.

5. Investigators said Generation Now used funds from the company to support 15 candidates in the 2018 primary (including Householder) and six others in the general election to ensure sufficient votes for Householder to win the Speaker’s seat. According to court documents, Generation Now paid more than $1 million in the fall of 2018 alone “to flood the airways with negative ads against” Householder’s opponents. “All of the individuals in Team Householder that were funded by Company A, via Generation Now, all voted for Larry Householder to be Speaker of the House. Ultimately, only one voted against HB 6.”

6. House Bill 6 Most of the money that was funneled through Generation Now was used for campaign ads and other efforts to ensure passage and ultimate enactment of the nuclear bailout legislation that included “a monthly charge on all Ohioans’ energy bills” to subsidize the company’s two failing nuclear power plants, according to court documents.

My Comments

So all Ohioans basically foot the bill for this elaborate scheme by Householder and his team of  House Republicans. 

Ohio already has Republicans like Kasich, the former governor who are endorsing Biden. They are mostly an elite movement. The Republican legislature (House and Senate) have been at odds with DeWine over the coronavirus. He has had to veto their legislation designed to strip him of his health care emergency powers. There also tensions with Republicans loyal to Trump who have taken over the Republican Party apparatus. So the Republican Party in Ohio is going to have a difficult time getting it all together for November.  Potential advantage for Democrats both nationally and locally.


  1. Not my profession, but I think $60M or $1B, applied directly, can pay for a lot of mental health help.

  2. Hmm. Michigan GOP legislators are suing Gov. Whitmer over emergency powers also. There is some vagueness about this in the state constitution that probably bears clarification. But the GOP, which is in a majority in the legislature, has been freaking out over every move by the governor like a pack of pro-Trump rabid dogs.

    Given the tone of Michigan's legislative Republicans, and presuming they reflect the feeling of their constituents, I can't see how Trump is not going to win big in Michigan.

    Michigan only looks like a purple state because the more liberal Detroit area still has enough people to throw a statewide election to Democrats. But outstate, Michigan is deep red. And as the population of the metro area dwindles the redder the state becomes.

    1. After the last census, Republicans gerrymandered election districts to give power to rural Republicans. These rural Republicans have not been affected by the virus which until recently has been mostly a city and suburbs problem except for some congregate housing and factories.

      The coming election is very important because if the Democrats overturn Republican control of the legislature they could reverse the gerrymandering.

    2. We have a new districting committee in Michigan that is supposed to eliminate/control gerrymandering. They won't have made any changes before November, though.

      A few red congressional districts here were won by Democrats in 2018, but those have been uneasy marriages. Most Dems in these districts are being opposed by unapologetic Trumpers. Those districts will be interesting (likely dismaying) to watch in November.

  3. Last night, Lester Holt previewed an upcoming story about Wells Fargo that, he said, would shock us. I told my wife nothing about Wells Fargo can shock me. Twenty years ago our #2 son had a year-long fight with Wells Fargo over a checking account he had never opened and never used. (They were attempting to collect "fees" from him for failing to use it, and they promised to ruin his credit. That was long before they became famous for that sort of thing.) Their latest was that, without authorization, they stopped automatic mortgage payments by their customers and put said customers on a coronavirus deferment list, thus gouging a hole out of said customers' credit ratings.

    So you can't shock me. But I am a little surprised about this happening in Ohio. I can think of at least 30 states where it was more likely, including the one I live in.

    1. Our mortgage is through Wells Fargo. We're not on auto-pay, but I guess it would be prudent to pay close attention to one's statement.

  4. Jack, here in Illinois, we're in a sort-of-parallel universe: our House speaker also may get indicted because of illegal doings with our local power company, ComEd, which also runs nuclear plants.

    Some of the details are different: the arrangement here was:

    * ComEd gave make-work / do-nothing jobs to the Speaker's cronies and pals

    * Whenever ComEd asked for a utility rate hike (ComEd has a state-granted monopoly, so the the state regulates ComdEd's pricing), the Speaker, Mike Madigan, who is roughly as powerful in Illinois as Putin is in Russia, made sure the legislature approved the rate hike.
