Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Waiting for Mueller -- Again

Here is the odd thing: On July 17, if Robert Mueller does what he said he would do – that is, simply repeat what is in the Mueller Report -- it will come as news to most Americans. Let’s face it: The report is on line, naked or annotated, and at least three editions are in print, but hardly anybody read it.
 I started reading on line the day it was released. I ripped off 137 pages out of the starting gate, but it took another two weeks to reach the end. My doctor made it to page 3 and called Amazon. My ex-boss didn’t even try it on-line and waited for a print copy. You can bring Tablets to us old folks, but you can’t make us use them.
 And the young get their news from social media.
 Donald J. Trump understands that. And that is why everybody I run into hasn’t read the Mueller Report but knows that it says No Collusion, No Obstruction, and maybe some other stuff. So if Mueller simply repeats it kinetically, it will be a shock in many quarters.
 That is part of the devious plot House Democrats stumbled into.
 The other half is that Trump now has three weeks to make bellyaching comments about Mueller, and maybe three weeks under the Twitter will provoke the stolid Mueller to give some clue to what he really thinks of Trump.
  A bunch of A-list actors gave Book II a dramatic reading Monday in New York. You probably can still see it here. It runs about an hour and 20 minutes. Joel Gray tries a Southern accent as Beauregard Jefferson Sessions II. John Lithgow takes Trump's lines.
  I still say the impeachment action is in Book I, where it says the Russians tried to beat Clinton and elect Trump, and that made Trump happy, and the Russians will do it again. Impeachment hangs on the fact that the president knows all that and has done nothing to prevent it, and some little things to hamper efforts to prevent it.
 But I still think the brain dead Democrats will fumble the opportunity. The Rs understand the new media, and the Ds don't understand much of anything. The better hope is that Trump irks Mueller into responding.


  1. "The better hope is that Trump irks Mueller into responding." This just might do it. Trump has accused Mueller of a crime. He's claiming that Mueller illegally deleted emails between two FBI staffers who were having an extramarital affair. The affair is probably incidental to the accusation, and the timing doesn't add up that Mueller had anything to do with it. But that's classic Trump, just fling poo and see what sticks. I hope Mueller does respond.

  2. Notice in the NYTimes account that this was all negotiated with members of his former law practice (some of whom may have been part of the investigation). I hope the Dems focus their fire power with one or two members of the committee who are steeped in the report and who have spotted the IED.

    Off topic but related: my daughter is having a torn meniscus repaired July 16. On July 17 we can gather on her couch where she will be immobilized and debate the fate of the nation. (Shades of Sam Ervin!) I know it will make her feel better.

    1. During the Watergate hearings, we painted the outside of the house and listened to the hearings on the radio. In the evening, we watched the rerun on public television. What a wonderful wallow in Watergate. To top it off, we were a Nielsen family that week, and NPR was the runaway TV station in Milwaukee.

    2. What a summer that was....Even the kids loved Sam...went around imitating him...and the eyebrows!

  3. Times article:
