Thursday, March 15, 2018

Someday we'll be sorry

 Some day, when and if the country comes back to its senses, it will be ashamed of what it let the Immigration and Customs Inforcement Service get away with during the Great Immigration Scare. It bothers my conscience that my grandchildren won't be able to say I fought it at the time, but I am old and so are my sources, and my megaphone isn't what it was.
 So I will burden you, briefly.
 The sins of ICS are reported sketchily and piecemeal -- the 7-year-old and her asylum-seeking mother separated and detained 2,000 miles apart, the solid citizens of many years' standing whose communities try to stand up for them while the agents carry them away. But this is an organization that probably shouldn't exist, and if it is needed, it has to undergo a thorough cultural change if it is to function in a free country. In The Week, Ryan Cooper pulled together a rap sheet to support the headline "End Ice."
 It's worth a read. More media should get on it.
 Even during the Obama administration, before the climate turned favorable for swaggering while armed, I was hearing from police chiefs and deputy sheriffs that their agencies did not like working with ICE. The people ICE take into custody rarely see a rigorous court, only overworked jumped-up magistrates, and its rare for them to have a defense attorney. As a result, other law enforcement sources say, they make lots of errors and lousy cases.
 Law enforcement qualms are one of the many motivations for so-called sanctuary city ordinances.
 Of course, since I was hearing that, the restraints have come off.
 Like torture, unfettered immigrant-bashing during the Great Immigration Scare is something that will go into our history books with Palmer's Red Raids of the early 1900s and the McCarthyism of mid-century as an embarrassment to future Americans. But this one can be stopped before it does more harm.


  1. Governor Jerry Brown, responding to AG Jeff Sessions charges of California malfesance in protecting immigrants, used the "G" word to describe ICE. Sent sound waves from our TV as we watched the well-mannered Newshour. What was the word?

    GESTAPO That's Bold Face!

    1. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....

    2. He also said about five times Trump's jackbooting of ICE was "not Christian."

  2. Libby Schaaf, the Mayor of Oakland, has been highly vilified by the RoypubliKKKlans for her recent actions:
