Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Do the Nuremberg Rules Apply? MORE

Gina Haspel has been named to head the CIA as its current director moves to the State Department. Both must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

The Guardian has published an article that reports all that may be publicly known, at this point, about Gina Haspel's role as the CIA officer in charge of a black site prison in Thailand and her role in destroying records thereof.

Let us return to the days when the U.S. government tortured prisoners after 9/11.

In a recent court case, two psychologists, who devised the interrogation methods used at CIA-run black sites, attempted to depose Gina Haspel. The case produced a number of documents redacted, presumably by the CIA, that resulted in her being named as the CIA officer in charge of a site in Thailand.

There seems to have been little curiosity about her when Trump named her deputy director of the CIA early in 2017. Now as Mike Pompeo, the current director, moves on to the State Department, Haspel has been nominated to succeed him. Both must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Let's see if the Senate examines the reported role she played.

Among other points in the Guardian story, there is this from the two psychologists:
"She [Gina Haspel] had “direct, first-hand knowledge of the extent of defendants’ involvement in the development of interrogation efforts”, and was “in a position to confirm that defendants never engaged in any interrogation activities that had not been previously and specifically approved in advance by the CIA on a case-by-case basis”.

Of note: in her photo run with the Guardian's story she looks like your mother's best friend.

UpDAte:  Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review writes a defense of Haspel; we are likely to hear more of this kind of argument in the coming weeks.

From Karen Greenberg, director of Fordham Law's Center on National Security and author of books on national security, torture and Abu Ghraib: Gina Haspel's CIA nomination ignores her history of torture and sets a dangerous precedent. NBC 

MORE: A correction of dates when Haspel was in charge of the Thai torture site, Pro Publica.****As far as I can make out the correction does not include claims that she oversaw torture there at a later date and that she later destroyed evidence. Stay tuned for the confirmation hearings, where I am assuming there will be a mudding effort to show that what she did was legal, and that agents like Haspel, and others, were assured by authorities that they were legal. We are going to see a lot of tooing and froing on the legality question (which is, if your boss says so, it's okay). The U.S. didn't accept that from the Germans and Israel didn't accept it from Eichman. So why would it be okay for the GW Bush Administration.


  1. Libertarians may be good for something:

    Rand Paul: "The libertarian-leaning GOP senator said Wednesday that Pompeo’s earlier support for the Iraq war and defense of enhanced interrogation techniques — or “torture” in the view of Paul and many other senators — is disqualifying. And the Kentucky senator indicated he may be willing to filibuster both Pompeo’s nomination and CIA director nominee Gina Haspel, who he says is “gleeful” in her defense of torture techniques."

    1. Pretty sure that guy who attacked Rand Paul in his yard last summer was Mitch McConnell.

  2. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, also announced he opposes both.

  3. McCain has been making noises that Haspel needs to "clarify" her position on torture.

    1. So...if she claims she was told it was legal (a la John Woo), she'll get a pass?

    2. John doesn't call me too often, but he has been anti-torture from the go. Can certainly see him backing off a nominee who sought for permission to waterboarding a guy at a black ops site in Thailand ... and did it 84 times, exceeding her authorization for use of that method.

  4. So does this count as formal or material cooperation with an intrinsic evil? Seems pretty much like formal to me. Don't know if she's Catholic, probably not. But if Dick Durbin is excluded from Communion for being pro-choice, I would think it would be "sauce for the goose" for pro-torture politicians.

    1. The last time I read the USCCB "faithful citizenship" guide, torture was listed among the intrinsic evils. The "intrinsicness" of abortion's evil is the excuse used to privilege opposition to abortion over opposition to all other sins. But I can't find levels of intrinsicness in any of my books on the faith; it either is or isn't.

  5. "in her photo run with the Guardian's story she looks like your mother's best friend."

    A joyful torturer.

  6. This is a pretty good article from last year (and therefore long before Haspel's nomination) that puts the Trump Administration's views on torture in context, including with Obama and Bush. A lot of good material in it, including some on Pompeo, who would continue to be Haspel's boss as they both move up the ladder. I suppose it will surprise nobody here to read that Trump is a big fan of torture.

    The politics of this is important. It seems to me that the most that can be said about the United States as a whole is that it is ambivalent about torture. Trump's election is itself a clear sign that there are large numbers of Americans that think torturing our enemies to extract information is just fine.

    I am sure Haspel will be asked about torture during her confirmation hearings. It would be really nice to hear her profess a change of heart since the Bush Administration, but I guess I'm not counting on it.

  7. Just making AmuriKKKa Grate Again! Yee haw. Torture by the other side is a sin and a crime. Torture by our side is just being prudential and protecting das Heimatland!!!
