Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Let them eat tacos

I thought the thought expressed Sunday by Senate leader Addison Mitchell McConnell would have roused some level of disgust. But most people I know missed it. So let me pass it along.

He was talking about the so-called Dreamers, people who were brought to this country illegally by their parents, who grew up here and do more for the United States than the "nice people" among the native-born who parade in Nazi regalia. They were immune from deportation to a country they do not know under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ( DACA). But the peoples' president cancelled DACA Their deportations will start in March unless Congress does something.

But Washington runs at McConnell's pace. Human beings must cool their future plans until Congress getrs around to them -- after it takes care of corporations. And Sunday on ABC This Week McConnell called their plight:

 "a non-emergency that we can address anytime between now and March.”


  1. Never has the true sole of the Republican party been so revealed as now under Trump and with no real threat to Republican power. I don't know how Christian Republicans live with themselves.

  2. Really, Tom, are you surprised? Politicians need the money and backing of big corporations to get re-elected, so they pass laws to buy votes to maintain power. Kids under DACA protections are irrelevant to that type of parasitic relationship. So are struggling graduate students whose stipends will be gutted by the tax plan as well as kids whose college loans are no longer tax deductible. I can't wait for the first of the year when the Repubs start slashing deficit-raising entitlements to offset their tax cuts, which they claim will eventually raise revenues with jobs jobs jobs, never mind that that's all lies, lies, lies.

  3. I am not surprised. But how would you like to hang until March knowing you may not be able to show up for school or work in April because you may be sent to Bosnia, a place your parents wouldn't talk about because they didn't want to scare their child?

    Leaving the Dreamers hung out like that seems cruel and inhumane, but clearly not to the mouth of the Senate.

  4. Of course it's cruel. Our government is the most dysfunctional part of our society. Possibly we need to start hiding our neighbors in attics from the SS. I mean ICE. Seriously.
