Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Suffer, you little children

Not content to take parents away from American children, our cruel government takes children away from Salvadoran parents seeking asylum:

 The Houston Chronicle has identified 22 cases since June in which parents like Mejia with no history of immigration violations were prosecuted for the misdemeanor crime of improper entry and had their children removed. Minors cannot be kept in federal prison.
 Defense attorneys cite dozens more such cases. Groups who care for unaccompanied children report hundreds of recent separations, in which parents often lose touch with children in an opaque federal system involving a litany of agencies. The government declined to release its own statistics.
Not a nice way to MAGA. Whole infuriating story at: http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Trump-moves-to-end-catch-and-release-12383666.php


  1. There's a lot of reasons for me to dislike Trump intensely. But this systematic bullying and harassment, especially when it involves children, is my number one reason to want him impeached. Even though I know this isn't an impeachable offense. I'll settle getting him for selling us out to the Russians, or whatever it takes.

  2. It really is hard to keep up with all the awful stuff Trump is wreaking.

  3. Yes, and then there are the for-profit companies running detention centers reported on NPR this morning. Inadequate food, inadequate medical care, intimidation by guards and gangs. Jesus.

    1. ICE wants to build five more detention centers and have a private company run them. ICE isn't real cops; but it is a real drag on government.

    2. If anyone is interested in seeing how a private prison company maximizes profits, the series "Orange Is the New Black" has used this as a story line in the last two seasons.

      No, it's not really nuanced, but I'm not sure there is a nuanced story here. Michigan ditched its prison food service contract with Aramark ... and then signed on with Trinity. New incidents of maggots in the food are now calling into question whether contracting these services from private companies is a really good idea. One assumes that private companies do no better in ICE facilities, particularly where federal funds are used and taxpayers more removed from the decision-making.

