Wednesday, January 13, 2021

NCR's tribute to Tom

Update 1/14/2021 8:51 am CST: Thanks to Katherine for pointing us to this more recent photo of Tom from the Palm Beach Post obituary.  The obit is worth reading for some great details about Tom.


 H/T to Anne for calling attention to this fine piece in the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) in memory of Tom, who was an editor and columnist at the national Catholic newspaper for many years.


  1. Check out the Palm Beach Post obituary linked in the NCR piece. There is a nice picture of Tom which is more recent than the one in NCR.

    1. Gosh, he looks nothing like I pictured. I hope his family is getting along OK. I hope Tom's wife has people to stay with her if she wants/needs company and that she has not got sick.

    2. Jean, I know! We get these mental pictures of what people look like, and then it turns out that they don't look that way at all. I think my mental pictures are sometimes based on what actor I would get to play their part, if life were a movie.

    3. And yes, definitely I hope his wife didn't get sick, and that she has a good support network.

    4. Katherine, thanks for pointing us to the Palm Beach Post obituary. I've updated the post.

  2. Glad his personal life was as broad and fruitful as his professional life.
