Thursday, December 10, 2020

Mona Charen Article

 Here is a good  article, Trumpism Triumphant - The Bulwark, by Mona Charen.  Charen is a conservative columnist who has long been warning about the delusions of those who jumped on the Trump train.  The whole thing is worth reading.  Here are some excerpts:

"There’s a theory that people have rallied to Trump and alternative news sources because they feel disrespected by the mainstream, liberal-leaning press. They bristle at the condescension of liberals who, they believe, despise country music, guns, and Cracker Barrel. There is some truth in this, but my experience with conservatives makes me skeptical of that as a complete explanation. Sure, the urban/rural divide is real—and not limited to the United States—but resentment of elites has always been with us. From suspicion of the First Bank of the United States among the Jeffersonians to the populist movement of the 1890s, “coastal elites” have always been despised by some. But it didn’t drive people into abject lunacy in the past, or at least, not on the scale we see today."

"The resentment motive can’t account for our volume of crazy. A theme that unified these conspiracy-minded people was a sense of superiority—not inferiority. They felt that they had access to the hidden truth that the deluded masses didn’t understand."

"...After decades of this diet, and with an enormous turbo-charge from Trump, the conspiracists are in the driver’s seat of the Republican party. ....This is profoundly worrying, because, let’s face it, they’ve suspended their critical faculties. Trump spent months saying mail-in ballots were ripe for fraud. He openly declared that he would not accept the legitimacy of any election he lost. He pressured friendly state legislatures, like Pennsylvania’s, not to count mail ballots until election day so that he could weave a story of victory if he did well with in-person voting on Election night, knowing that the count for mail ballots would take longer"

"...there are the polls showing that shocking numbers of rank-and-file Republicans are buying this big lie. A YouGov/Economist poll found that 73 percent of Republicans had little or no confidence that the election was conducted fairly. A Morning Consult/Politico survey found that 67 percent of Republicans said the election was probably or definitely not free and fair. And a Monmouth University poll found that 75 percent of Republicans were “not too confident” or “not at all confident” that the 2020 election was conducted fairly and accurately. Sixty-four Republican members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have signed a letter asking that members of Congress throw out Pennsylvania’s slate of electors."

"...We have now reached the stage where it isn’t just that Republicans fail to rebuke Trump. It isn’t just that Republicans are frightened into silence by fear of the base. We are now at the stage when a critical mass of the Republican party has adopted Trump’s disordered personality for its own."


  1. The last sentence chills me. It's the opposite of putting on the mind of Christ. It's putting on the mind of Trump. Makes me think of antichrist.

    1. To me this sentence is key: "They felt that they had access to the hidden truth that the deluded masses didn’t understand." In a theological sense, that describes Gnosticism. Or a lot of the cults that people get mixed up in. Trump has been called a "dimestore antichrist". I don't think he has the wherewithal to be an actual one. The danger is that someone smarter and smoother will come along and pick up his followers unless they can be brought back to reality.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "They bristle at the condescension of liberals who, they believe, despise country music, guns, and Cracker Barrel."

    Aha! I, too, despise all three! So it turns out I'm a liberal after all. Who can issue me a Liberal card so I can carry it?

    Re: Charen's analysis: there are a couple of things in play here. One is susceptibility to conspiracy theories is not a new thing, and is not partisan. But I think that social media amplifies the theories so that many more susceptible people are exposed to them than was the case in the olden days (i.e. pre-1996 or so).

    Here is Ross Douthat on the efficacy of conspiracy theories these days:

    As for the infuriating timorousness of Republican elected officials: there are two or three things at work here. One is the fundamental conundrum for any Republican candidate or elected officials these days: to win, s/he needs Trump's voters to vote for him/her. These officials will bend into shapes that make pretzels envious in order to avoid offending Trump voters. Another is that Trump's campaign organization takes no prisoners when another elected official defies him/them. They will criticize him publicly (cf many of the tweets of the sitting president of the United States), will find candidates to primary him - whatever they can think of to make his life hell and end his career. They definitely believe in punishing disobedience severely. A third is related to the second one: many of Trump's followers are a little (or more than a little) unhinged. They will camp out outside offenders' homes (some of them carrying guns), issue death threats against the offender and his/her children - it's probably difficult for someone not going through it to appreciate how frightening it is. David French has written powerfully about it:

    Trump's electoral loss was the moment he began falling from power. The next step is to induce him to tumble into oblivion. We all can help. The single most important thing right now is to model a firm anchoring in reality by politely but persistently insisting that Joe Biden will assume the presidency on January 20th.

    1. Jim, I read the David French article, yikes! I knew some of the Trump followers were unhinged, but I honestly didn't know it was that bad; they literally do make someone's life a living hell.
      Yes, the best thing is for Trump to fall into oblivion. There is no doubt that Biden will assume the presidency on January 20th. But the people who inflicted the misery described by David French are not going to go gently into the good night.

    2. We've been seeing this for months in Michigan. There was only mild tsking from the GOP leadership when a protester in Lansing hung a naked Barbie doll by the neck on a fishing pole and said unashamedly that it represented Michigan Governor Whitmer. Or when a dozen men were arrested in a plot to kidnap the governor. Or when protesters pounded on Michigan Secretary of State Benson's door screaming "stop the steal" and scaring her four-year-old. Or when Michigan Dana Nessel needs a 24/7 security detail because a Yooper Catholic congressman gets his people all riled up about her for being "anti-Catholic." Never mind that legislators had to sit through a "hearing" with Rudy Giuliani spewing covid virus, while his star witness, who called herself "very moral," turns out to be guilty of harassment by sending photos of her and her boyfriend having sex to his ex-wife because she wanted to "drive her over the top."

      Republicans have always needed racists, gay-bashers, union busters, gun nuts, rednecks, and woman haters to get elected.

      Until now, they have had sense enough to be ashamed of it and keep the whacked out of the limelight. But Trump and his supporters have thrown a four-year party in their honor. It's going to be hard to get them to crawl back under their rocks.

    3. ... and Michigan Republicans are putting the Governor's emergency orders in sexual terms: “The very problem that this legislation seeks to address is that ... emasculation, is that neutering that has happened to the legislature,” McBroom, R-Vulcan, argued before the party-line vote supported by all 22 Senate Republicans.

      McBroom and his cohorts may have a valid point that emergency orders should end after 28 days unless renewed by the Legislature, and most of us are big girls and know that certain types of men roll this way. But these terms would not be applied to a male governor exercising executive privileges.

      Two white male legislators have also removed black legislator Ruth Johnson from her committee assignments for "threatening language" she made in a FB video. If Johnson was trying to make a point, it was unclear what it was, but she was clearly upset and fed up with the racial slurs and death threats she has received. No outcry about those from the Speaker and his buddy who stripped her of her assignments.

      And The Boy tells me that he and his socialist group were told to leave a public park where they were picking up trash by a local cop. Cops gave no reason other than that "you can't be here." They had masks on and a small sign posted that said, "The Socialist Party supports clean parks." People in the neighborhood were pitching in to help at appropriate distance. They weren't cited, and they didn't want to set a bad example for the kids, so they left without a ruckus. Maybe the cops felt it was a violation of the outdoor gathering rule or some Karen thought it was the Antifa and reported them. Hopefully, they will contact law enforcement to find out how they can do their service projects properly.

      The racial, regional, gender, and partisan divides in this state are really ugly. Trump made half the state miserable. And now his defeat is making the other half angry. Tempted to stay in pandemic isolation for the rest of my life.

    4. Sorry you are having to put up with all that nonsense, Jean. Yeah, funny that the male legislators found Ruth Johnson's comments offensive, but didn't find their own offensive (seriously, "neutering"?)
      Here, the disgruntled are mainly confining themselves to grumbling and grousing. Though our state attorney general did join in Texas' stupid bogus lawsuit. ("Are I being a good boy, Trump cult?")

    5. And very odd that your son and his cohorts were kicked out of the park for doing a good deed. I'm trying to think of a headline that would describe it, "Vandals break in and pick up trash."

    6. Katherine, and then there's "Illegal immigrants sneak into US and pick strawberries cheap."

    7. That's socialists for ya: Good intentions but hazy on how to make it work. They should have politely asked the cops why they had to break it up. But I am done giving him social activist advice.

      When he was in the third grade, he and his friends took issue with some playground rules enforced by one of the aides. I told them they should start a petition drive if they didn't like the rules. They wanted details, so I explained that you ask for changes in a nice way and outline when the changes should begin and why they will be good for all concerned. Great! Two days later I got a call from the irate principal saying that the petition was "We respectfully ask that the school fire Mrs. M__ RIGHT NOW, which will let all students to play in the snow at recess." Fifty kids signed it.

    8. Jean, LOL! Maybe he needs to run for the legislature.

    9. I was ticked at the principal for just throwing the ringleaders in detention. I told him OK, fine, he makes the rules, but he wasn't teaching the boys much of a lesson about peaceful conflict resolution and democracy. He said school wasn't a democracy, and I should watch my kid closer. He was about 28, no kids of his own, arrogant, and constantly yelling. Now he's pushing 50 and has made a fairly good superintendent of our school district. Seems to be better suited to bean counting and administrating than dealing with kids.

  3. "We are now at the stage when a critical mass of the Republican party has adopted Trump’s disordered personality for its own."

    Yes the big bully has encouraged a lot of other bullies. I wonder how this is playing out among young people?
