Friday, July 17, 2020

Andrew Sullivan says Farewell to the New York magazine

I was a fan of the Dish, and so registered for Andrew Sullivan's e-mail list so that I could follow his writing when he closed down the blog.

Today's e-mail contained his farewell letter to the New York magazine.

See You Next Friday: A Farewell Letter

Actually attacking, and even mocking, critical theory’s ideas and methods, as I have done continually in this space, is therefore out of sync with the values of Vox Media. That, to the best of my understanding, is why I’m out of here.

You might want to compare it with Jim's article on the Parting Shot at the NY Times of Jim's recent post,

The good new is that Next Friday Andrew Sullivan promises to deliver to my inbox the first issue of his new Weekly Dish
So, yeah, after being prodded for years by Dishheads, I’m going to bring back the Dish.
I’ve long tried to figure out a way to have this kind of lively community without endangering my health and sanity. Which is why the Weekly Dish, which launches now, is where I’ve landed.
 The old  Dish is still there.

We’re determined to keep the site up in perpetuity for research and just memories. It’s like one huge encyclopedia of early 21st Century videos, arguments, quotes, poems, essays and so on. It will cost a little, but we will do what’s needed. 


  1. I have read some articles that he wrote, but didn't know he had been on Vox.

    1. Under the heading of, you can't tell the players without a scorecard, I see on Wikipedia that Vox Media bought New York Magazine, which apparently was struggling, in 2019. Vox Media owns a bunch of publications and sites, including Vox News. I also see that Covid-19 has tanked their advertising revenue, and they are massively laying off and furloughing.

  2. It's distressing that Sullivan was deemed out of bounds for New York Magazine. He's more forgiving than I probably would be.
