Monday, June 1, 2020

Voting By Mail

The latest disingenuous election year panic du jour is potential voter fraud from mail-in ballots. Why do I say that it's disingenuous?  Because most of the people (whom I have been in conversations with) who have voiced concerns about it have said that they voted by mail in the primary and planned to do it again in the fall.  But then went on to say that they felt it was too easy for someone who might want to cheat the system to vote fraudulently (but they didn't want to make it less convenient for themselves).
Oh, and guess who else voted by mail last time?  None other than the president, not to mention White House staff member, KellyAnne Conway.

From this article in the Atlantic:
"In the states that will likely decide the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump has already lost his newly declared war against voting by mail.
All six of the swing states that both sides see as the most probable tipping points allow their residents to vote by mail for any reason, and there’s virtually no chance that any of them will retrench their existing laws this year. That means that, however much Trump rages, the legal structure is in place for a mail-voting surge in those decisive states: Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona in the Sun Belt and Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in the Rust Belt.
"....That doesn’t mean Trump’s new crusade will have no effect. It’s so far stiffening Republican opposition to plans for furthering expand mail-voting access in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Those proposals include calls from Democrats and election-law reformers to preemptively mail all eligible voters a ballot, as five states do now, or to require all states to allow their residents to vote absentee for any reason. In the 28 states that already allow this “no excuse” absentee balloting, partisan struggles are nevertheless looming over whether to make the voting process easier.
"...All states allow one of three types:
Five states, the smallest grouping, are “all mail” states: Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, and, starting this year, Hawaii. There, all eligible voters are mailed a ballot to their home. 
he largest group is the 28 states that allow for “no excuse,” or “no fault,” mail balloting. "...The procedure still adds one hurdle: Voters must affirmatively request a ballot. But some states in this cohort, such as Arizona, do allow residents to join a list that automatically receives absentee ballots for every election.
"...The final group, 17 states, allows voters to obtain a mail ballot only for cause."

Check out this article from the Brennan Center:   "The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) presents a difficult and novel challenge to the administration of the 2020 general election to ensure that the 2020 election is free, fair, accessible, and secure"
"....The key recommendations fall into five categories: (1) polling place modification and preparation; (2) expanded early voting; (3) a universal vote-by-mail option; (4) voter registration modification and preparation, including expanded online registration; and (5) voter education and manipulation prevention."

And these are some personal thoughts about voting by mail.  I feel that states need to make their process absolutely transparent in order to forestall accusations that anything was "rigged". The states which allow mail ballots only for cause should allow fear of a serious contagious illness as sufficient cause.
There are in fact quite elaborate precautions to mail-in ballots, including a personal signature, and in the case of ballots which are automatically sent to voters, a requirement for identifying information such as a driver's license number (an alternative could be the last four digits of one's social security number.) A signature which is in question is crossed checked by three workers.  By now there should be some type of algorithm which could aid in the electronic checking of signatures.
I have family members living in Colorado, which is an "all mail" state. They say that use of bar codes, and a serial number, make it possible to check online to see that your ballot has reached its destination.
States need to publicize all the precautions which are taken to ensure the validity of of their voting by mail program, and that in no case is it as simple as a Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes entry addressed to "your name" or "resident".


  1. "States need to publicize all the precautions which are taken to ensure the validity of of their voting by mail program, and that in no case is it as simple as a Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes entry addressed to "your name" or "resident"."

    Yes, I agree.

    FWIW, there is a slew of conservative articles pointing out that this opposition to mail-in ballots is stupid, imperils the health of Americans, and most likely works to Republicans' disadvantage at the polls (e.g. their voters tend to skew older, and many elderly voters certainly would be nervous about the health risk of going to a polling place in person).

    But this anti-mail-in-ballot rhetoric is being drummed up by Donald Trump, and the number of things he says and does which run against conservative interests is legion.

  2. After a judge ordered a re-do on a whole mayoral election in Miami due to illegal absentee ballots (good old Manny Yap voted although he was dead and buried for two years; I used to like to bring him up in columns), the Legislature decreed that to vote absentee a doctor's letter would be required and the ailing voter would have to ask for the ballot and return it himself, no going through party representatives. Two years later, the Legislature completely reversed itself and made voting absentee a come and get it for all, and lo, the Rs won everything in sight (honestly, no doubt) and have held power ever since.

    So for the wannabe Floridian (there is a problem about that; a neighbor's lawyer points out that Mar-a-Lago is a public accommodation, like a hotel, under the occupant's agreement with the town. Hence it is not a residence, hence the occupant does not reside there. Doubtless the New York tax assessor has heard about the neighbor's lawsuit, which is over a proposed private dock at the public accommodation)... the wannabe Floridian, as I say, ought to talk to some Florida Republicans before he attacks their paper bunker.

    But you will recall that at spring elections in states with mostly polling places, elections were messed up when poll workers decided at the last minute to stay home. Florida election supervisors are saying there is no way, if Covid is still around, that they will they be able to round up enough old folks -- which is what poll workers tend to be -- to count all the ballots in a timely manner. That is a sociological, not ideological, snag.

    Some European observers are saying Trump's intent is to create a situation where he can call off the election on grounds it is not possible for every voter to have an equal chance of voting or stop the count and stay in office because the count is taking "too long." Those Europeans, with their suspicious minds! Of course, they got the idea from son-in-law Jared the Wise.

    1. Incidentally, if you think I'm nuts, the census is a constitutional requirement. There was a disappointing return of census forms on line after minimal advertising. The enumerators who should be going door to door even as I type have not begun to be trained. What do you suppose the odds are on getting a decent 2020 census? Have you noticed any concern on the part of the administration that is constitutionally MANDATED to take it?

    2. Getting workers to go door to door this year? Getting people to answer the door to a stranger? I'd say the chances of a successful census this year are slim and none. FWIW, we filled out our form online weeks ago. I'd say it would be better to just go with existing data, and re-do the census when we get a vaccine for the virus.
      If Trump can't accomplish enough voter suppression to win the election, it's quite possible that his Plan B is to just call the whole thing invalid and stay in office. I'd like to think there'd be enough respect left for the electoral process and the constitution that even his own party wouldn't allow that to stand.
      About a count possibly taking "too long", how long did it take in the days before mass communication? You can bet that people didn't expect the results to be in when they got up the next morning. This is a year when we have to practice patience.

    3. How long did it take in 2000? (37 days)

    4. "If Trump can't accomplish enough voter suppression to win the election, it's quite possible that his Plan B is to just call the whole thing invalid and stay in office. "

      Granted, various things have happened over the last four years that I would have said, "That will never happen" (starting with the nomination, and then the election, of Donald J Trump). But I will say right now: that's never gonna happen. If that happens, I will eat my hat. After running around the block buck naked. After those two feats, I will emigrate to Canada.

    5. Jim, I have to believe it's not going to happen, either. But I've seen enough stuff happen to make me nervous.

    6. Jim, when did you expect him to use gas and rubber bullelts to split up a LEGAL, PEACEFUL demonstration so he could show his guts by boldly walking across a street and holding up a Bible (he didn't at first, seem to know which end was up) and mouth platitudes for a couple of minutes? Good to see the Rt Rev. Billy Barr at his side for the event. Can't understand why the Episcopal bishop would be offended at a church being used as a backdrop for the President display of his mad face.

  3. Biden won the PA primary over Sanders, 641,000 to 158,000, further insuring we don't descend into Swedenism. My goodness. There would be blondes all over the place.
    Now the debate will be which candidate is more senile. I think they both are but that Trumps core personality is nasty. I'd vote for John Wayne Gacy with Jeffrey Dahmer as VP over Trump.

    1. I think Biden is a basically decent guy who actually does have a lot of experience in government. Granted, 79 isn't the new 59, but he won't be pulling the crap that Trump does every day, not to mention the compulsive lying. I could use a little boredom for a change.

  4. Here in California we have had "no reason" voting by mail for at least the last 10 years … maybe longer. There have NEVER been any proven allegations of any fraud involved, or any votes not being counted, or the other things that the Orange Idiot likes to tout as reasons to be against it. Except for himself, of course.
