Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Christian Cooper Speaks

The Washington Post has an interview with Christian Cooper, the bird watcher who asked Amy Cooper to leash her dog. A good story of growing up black in America, including fandom  of science fiction and comic books--no not Archie and Veronica.


  1. Interesting guy! I will have to ask my sons if they have heard of him, since they are Marvel fans (you'd think guys in their 40s would age out of comics, but no.) I like his sister's name, since it is also my first name.

  2. Melody? No kidding. Will you be the first St. Melody?

    1. Probably not! I have our old parish priest to thank for the Katherine part. He said a baby needed a saint's name to be baptized.

    2. Reminds me of a story told by a college classmate named Stuart.
      To his fourth grade teacher, he lamented that there was no Saint Stuart. Her reply: That's okay, you can be the first!

    3. Be very careful. There may be a St. Melody. A niece married a Chad. Being in Florida, we are very wary of chads. But we discovered there is, in fact, a St. Chad.

    4. Can't you convert it to a saint's name by chopping off the "y" and replacing it with "ia"? How could there not be a St. Melodia?

    5. A bit Latinized... That would work! How are you feeling about that Katherine Melodia?

    6. I could go with a patron saint Melodia. There was a kid in my class in grade school named Melanie. People were always mixing our names up, they sound similar. I believe there actually is a St. Melania.

  3. He's a multidimensional guy in a two dimension world. Maybe he can help change it. I've been a sort of fellow traveler to bird watchers since I was assigned to the Audubon December bird count one year. I have some books, I know the local birds and sometimes I go where they are to look at them, but I wouldn't drive 300 miles to add a rarity to my life list. Birders are usually nice people.

    1. Bird people don't like cats. I always tell them birds can fly, cats can't.

    2. There are some birds that will attack cats -- eagles and great horned owls. But there are more cats that will attack birds. I am cheered by the Carolina mockingbird who goes through his repertoire right outside my window in the morning. If a cat tried that, he'd get a shoe right between the eyes.
