Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Stone in the National Shoe

 Forty months is OK; 400 months would not have been excessive. The Don is foaming and frothing about injustice and other things the terrible government does to his friends. In the end, he’ll pardon Roger Stone if Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh can’t find some other reason to let him go.
 But, as Judge Amy Berman Jackson said, “The truth still exists. The truth still matters.”  She apparently was unimpressed by Stone, his hot and cold running lawyers and his low-life friends. As am I.
 From Judge Jackson’s reputation, 40 months is probably about what she would have given him  even if The Don’s consigliere in the Justice Department had let stand the original prosecutors’ recommendation of seven to nine years. The whole pre-sentencing flap proved that Attorney General William Barr is not as smart as he is reputed to be, and their mutual buddy The Don has a bad attitude toward justice. It probably didn't change the sentence.
 (The Don, by the way is Air Force One jetting his way around the West Coast and staying in hotels with his name on them. There, as The Washington Post found, is where he can charge the taxpayers up to $600 a night for his Secret Service bodyguards he warrant office with the nuclear codes football and assorted presidential hangers on. Donald Jr. will kvell when he sees the billing records.)

  I have a history with Stone. So do a couple million other scribes and scribe types whose misfortune was to land on his email list. He has periods of hibernation, but when he is active he sends emails on a rat-a-tat basis, touting books he never bothered to research and events you wouldn’t go to in disguise. At one point, he hired a publicist to do publicity about Roger Stone, although the only thing Roger Stone ever did was publicize Roger Stone. Then multiple emails started coming.
 I had been blowing them out as fast as they came, but they got so thick underfoot that I replied, “unsubscribe me.” I kept getting them. So I wrote a longer letter, explaining how to take my name out of their email group. Nothing. So I asked why they didn’t take me off their list, and the smarmy publicist for the publicist wrote back that it was because I needed to see Roger Stone’s wisdom. I threatened to come down to Fort Lauderdale and personally kneecap Stone. They kept coming.
 Of course, I didn’t kneecap him. I found out how to block him and send his emails straight to trash. That worked -- until they started coming in again from different email accounts: FreeRogerStone and PardonRogerStone.
  Roger Stone does not have truth in him, and he doesn’t care. He would like to think of himself as a prankster to the stars, but a) he isn’t funny, b) some of his pranks have been flagrantly illegal, and c) his activities since his days with Richard M. Nixon have tended to undermine the Constitution and normalize mendacity. That’s the mendacity The Don defends with his Tweets.
   Judge Jackson had something I agree with to say about that, too: “The dismay and the disgust at the attempts by others to defend his actions as just business as usual in our polarized climate should transcend party.”
 Of course, it hasn’t and apparently won’t. But the fact remains: Stone was sentenced to more than three years for lying to congressional investigators and threatening witnesses. The Don may  not see anything wrong with lying and witness tampering. Judge Jackson and I do.


  1. Judge Jackson, and Tom Blackburn: Bravo.

  2. And while Judge Jackson was uttering some doses of reality...the Emperor was firing Joseph Maguire acting head of the NSC and replacing him with a Trump toady, Richard Grenell. And in part it is said by the NYTimes that is because someone from Maguire's staff reported to the House Intelligence Committee evidence that the Russkies are workign to disrupt the 2020 elections. Of course, the Dems themselves are doing a pretty good job on that front.

    1. I forgot to say that the Russians are doing whatever they're doing to get Trump reelected (according to the NYT).

    2. Correction: not the NSC--National Security Council.
      DNI Director of National charge of overseeing our many spy agencies...

  3. I can only guess that Rob Blagojevich was pardoned to prepare us for an eventual pardon for Stone and the rest of the chain gang.

    Otherwise, it makes no sense given that Blago seems to be widely despised by both parties.

    Unless it's that Rob's cute wife got on Fox all the time sobbing about how Rob never actually took a bribe and the kids are heartbroken (because you can imagine Blago was a great dad), and begging the president to pardon Rob, and seeing a nice looking woman begging would be guaranteed to trip Trump's trigger and let Rob and his now silvery Alfred E. Newman haircut walk a few years early.

  4. This opinion piece is by Ronald Safer, an attorney. A snippet:

    "We have stepped through the looking glass, or entered George Orwell’s dystopia. Criminals are victims. Public servants are criminals. Truth is a lie, and lies told loudly and persistently carry the day. We are at a tipping point where the bedrocks of our society are under attack.

    "President Donald Trump commuted Rod Blagojevich’s sentence Tuesday. Blagojevich will loudly proclaim his innocence, as he has for years, despite the irrefutable evidence that he is guilty. He will rant against the criminal justice system. He will say the prosecutors were the real criminals. The media will dutifully report those rants and many among the public will believe them because of our polarized political perspectives."
