Friday, February 28, 2020

Does your bishop know about this?

 My words can't begin to describe the greedy goose who now heads the White House Office of Faith and Opportunity, or the different "reverend" whom the President credentialed to go to Davos with him. Fortunately, Frank Cerebino, a columnist for my last home, has the words to do it.
 You have to read it to believe it.
 Here is a sample of the rants that took a Rev. Trump Worshiper to Davos:
“This impeach-Trump movement is a Jew coup.”
He urged his viewers and listeners “to wake up really fast.”
“This is a coup led by Jews to overthrow the Constitutionally-elected president of the United States, and it’s beyond removing Donald Trump, it’s about removing you and me ...
“The Church of Jesus Christ, you’re next! They’re coming for you,” he continued. “There will be a purge. That’s the next thing that happens when Jews take over a country.
“They kill millions of Christians.”
Yikes. I imagine this sounded even creepier in its original German.
The last sentence is Frank's. This is the faith of "the most pro-life president in history."


  1. Inconsistency and irrationality characterizes Trump's followers as much as his brain. Anti-semitic rant from Reverend Dingbat while Pro-Israel right or wrong jewish Jared is his son-in-law.

  2. What else is new? We have no state religion and give churches indiscriminate non-profit status. It makes conditions perfect for grifters with a knack for self-promotion and twisting Scripture. These creatures have always been with us, especially in Dixie. Yet another indication that we lost the Civil War when we had to take these crooks and their dupes back to civilization.

    1. But, Jean, I don't remember President Coolidge giving Rev. Elmer Gantry a White House office.

    2. That's because Elmer was a fictional character.

      Billy Graham, that hick who was always pushing substitutionary atonement and made a fortune off fear-mongering, had wide access to many presidents to give him legitimacy.

      Trump just picks people because they suck up to him.

    3. Well, yes. There was Rev. "See No Evil" Billy, but he was a legitimate, trained, trying-to-be-honest minister. Not like the moron, the out-and-out con woman and the bigot Frank discusses. In short, not many people saw through Graham. Not many people would fail to see through a "send money to me, and Trump will bless it" scam.

      And I'll betcha Trump doesn't know Gantry was fictional. Mention his name, and POTUS will put him on the antivirus task force.

    4. I had more respect for Billy than I do for his son Franklin.

    5. I have no respect for evangelicals who turn saving souls into a multi-million dollar business enterprise that they turn over to their offspring. Sincere or not, Billy Graham built the template for the American God Biz. Same goes for Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, and all the rest.

  3. Perfect recruiters for Nones of all ages.

    1. Seriously. As if my kids needed more reasons to run away screaming from the Republican Party ...

  4. So, let me get this straight. Trump took this Wiles guy to Davos? why was it necessary to take any clergy or faith ministers? It seems like it's basically a Mammon-fest. What did the Europeans say about Trump and company?

    1. I imagine Wiles wasn't the only grifter or grafter on the fringes of that meeting of the Great and Good.

    2. Katherine, good point. Maybe Wiles and Co. were doing a little hustling among the better-heeled.

    3. If I understood the article, Wiles managed to get credentials for his media outfit to "cover" the trip.

  5. I Googled Paula White. She looks like the Fox News anchor version of a televangelist - blond, slim and, for all I know, perky.

    1. *perky*, have you noticed that that seems to be the style du jour for anchors lately, whether news or weather announcers? Its a combination of staccato delivery with a high speaking range, like the person had consumed about a half dozen energy drinks. I find it barely tolerable to listen to for any length of time.

    2. Very true.

      I just assume that female, blond and slim, and probably a skirt above the knees, is exactly what the president looks for in a faith-based coordinator.

    3. "And they'll know we are Christians by our BMI, BMI, yes, they'll know we are Christians by our bods."
