Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Circular Suicide Squad

Democrats at work: Nevada--2/19.


  1. The New York Times contributors clearly think that Warren won the debate, mostly giving her 9's and 10's. I hope she turned her falling candidacy around, but I didn't see the "bringing together of the progressive and centralist Democrats' that would really make her Presidential timber. At best she came across as a very competent progressive.

    They ranked Bernie second. He, of course is Presidential timber because he has a vision. The question is will the American people buy his vision. He clearly benefitted from having Bloomberg on stage, and from taking flack from all his opponents. He demonstrated he could win debates with Trump.

    They ranked Buttigieg third. I saw him and Klobuchar whom they ranked fifth as the kids on the panel who spent too much time having fighting among themselves. Both did not appear to be Presidential timber.

    Time ranked Biden as fourth I think Biden may have saved his candidacy. He came across as Presidential timber, and did not fade as he often has done during these debates. If it becomes a Sanders, Warren Biden contest, he might win.

    The Times contributors put Bloomberg in last place. I agree. His was definitely the worse performance of anyone this year. He probably should have decided to stay out of debates as well as the early primaries. Trump would likely crush him in a debate. His candidacy could strengthen the progressive wing of the Democratic party. Certainly strengthens the case that billionaires are part of the problem not the solution.

    1. I'm glad Bloomberg didn't do so great. I hope he is sincere when he says he will throw his support behind whoever is the front running candidate if he doesn't do well on super Tuesday

  2. I didn't watch the debate, I'll read about it this morning. But are we really surprised about it being a circular suicide squad when we run our election cycle like the Hunger Games?

  3. I was out last night (having spectacular avgolemono, to be honest), and missed/skipped the debate. I did hear Sanders shouting on the radio this morning (and could picture his left arm pumping like a kid who isn't getting the attention he craves). I would expect a presidency of Shouting Bern to be very taxing on the nervous system. But here is the point:

    I don't get to vote until St. Patrick's Day, which comes after Super Tuesday. I suspect I will have only three serious candidates to think about by then, so why should I get worked about seven (eight with Steyer who is making a huge run in S.C.) candidates, five of whom are still to be taken off the board. When the calliope first sounded, and there were 20+ in the parade, I was interested in Sen. Cory Booker and Gov. Jay Inslee. Fat lot of good my interest then did for them.

  4. Day Dream: When the newly elected Democratic President takes office in 2021, who would we want addressing us from the oval office.

    Bernie with his arm-flapping, gravelly arguments for medicare-for-all" as he fantasizes on behalf of the working class.
    Warren with her shrill finger-jabbing obfuscation on medicare-for-all and attacks on non-disclosure agreements.
    Biden with his dreamy accounts of achievements past with that other guy--what was his name?

    Calm and collected Buttigieg / Klobuchar. Calm and collected isn't everything...but the rising level of hysteria...

    1. Face it; calm and collected is not in our future.

      Trump will leave office kicking and screaming; he will continue to dominate the news through his tweets, stirring up his supporters to take extreme measures They don't do much now because he is president, but wait until they decide they have to take the country into their own hands.

      A violent revolution is much more likely to come from the right than from the left.

    2. I think it was Jean that said Trump will make America a living hell whether he is in office or out.

    3. Before Trump, his voters were impatient, backing one movement then another and flipping Congress every 4-6 years. Naturally, none of us knew he was the one they were waiting for. After he leaves office, I suspect they'll revert to impatient, low-attention-span type - until another flim-flammer comes along. Maybe that's the guy we should really fear.

    4. Peggy - my daydream is quiet, boring competence. (Pro-life quiet, boring competence, if that is to be had.) I guess Klobuchar is most likely to deliver it. I am not sure that Biden and Buttigieg pass the competence test. And agree with the comments on the other candidates' flamboyance. I reached flamboyance exhaustion years ago. Now I just want to stop my ears.

    5. Sounds like you are all wishing the problems (environment, income inequality, healthcare) will all go away. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. The sooner we face them, the easier it will be.

      Trump may leave office but he won't yield the media spotlight. The media can't sell anything with quiet boring competence. They need conflict to get our attention

  5. Klobuchar played the gender card and said we need a woman president because, well, I guess we need a woman president. Buttigieg thinks Sanders needs to control "his" people on the goofball internet. Maybe they're russkies.
    I turned the thing off. Debates are showboating.

    1. Haha! You can come to our debate party anytime, Stanley. Raber was telling at Buttigieg most of the time.

      I only half hated Klobuchar's playing the Woman Card. I am so sick of the monkey glands or whatever is jacking up the testosterone poisoning in the Trump administration that I could happily go the rest of my life without seeing another man in a suit and red tie in front of a podium.

    2. Jean,
      If I were in the audience when Klobuchar did her gender thing, I would have started chanting "Warren, Warren, Warren".

  6. The streaming kept cutting out on us, so we only saw the first 30 minutes, where Pete accused Bernie's people of mayhem.

    I switched to the real time WaPo coverage. Raber watched some sort of highlight reel later.

    It was depressing, generally.

    Bernie matching Bloomberg stent for stent. That was a new low. Geriatrics on parade. I also don't know what Uncle Joe and Warren are on. They seem artificially animated and agitated. Their aides need to switch them to Sanka after 2 p.m.

    I did think Warren was absolutely right about the drip, drip, drip of sexual harassment allegations that would dog a Bloomberg candidacy.

  7. Bernie matching Bloomberg stent for stent. That was a new low. Geriatrics on parade.

