Thursday, October 10, 2019

Unimpeachable history

President non-sequitur has achieved a higher level of non-sense. In defending his precipitous withdrawal of U.S. troops from the border area separating Turkey and the Kurdish occupied area of Syria, Trump reminds us: "the Kurds didn’t help us in the second world war, they didn’t help us with Normandy as an example."


Neither did Turkey, which was neutral to the very end...

Trump claims he wants out of our endless wars. His decision to withdraw gave Turkey the green light to attack the Kurds. Brilliant!

And then....if the world calls Turkey an occupier, President Erdogan of Turkey threatens to deport 3.6 million refugees to Europe. Also Brilliant.

The Guardian on Normandy.
The Guardian on Erdogan's threat.


  1. Trump's Dunning-Kruger is acting up again.
    Many of his bad decisions have cancelled one another out. This one is different, people are getting killed as a result. It might be the thing that turns the tide to impeachment.

  2. "In March, a C-17 crew, consisting of seven active-duty and National Guard crew members from Alaska, stayed at Trump's Turnberry resort when en route to Kuwait; they only landed at Prestwick airport on the return trip to the U.S., according to the Air Force. But the stop in Scotland prompted the committee to investigate whether U.S. military stays have boosted Turnberry's revenue.
    "An exchange between the Pentagon and lawmakers last month revealed the Defense Department has spent nearly $200,000 at Turnberry since Trump became president in 2017."
    So reports

    "(NEW YORK) — President Donald Trump’s two golf resorts in Scotland posted another year of multimillion-dollar losses as his properties contend with a struggling local economy and a backlash against his divisive rhetoric. Trump’s golf clubs on the North Sea and Irish Sea lost a combined 11.9 million pounds ($14.5 million) last year, according to financial statements filed with Britain’s Companies House...
    ...At Trump’s Turnberry resort on the Irish Sea, which has hosted several British Opens, losses topped 10.8 million pounds ($13.2 million) last year, triple the loss from a year earlier, though much of that came from a hit in foreign exchange. Taking that out and one-time and non-cash costs, the club lost 210,000 pounds, or $257,000. Revenue jumped 20%."
    So says Time:

    Trump has much more on his mind than what happens to Kurds, who were our allies only until he Tweeted. After which, they weren't. BTW, when is Maduro in Venezuela going to go? Trump sent Pence down there to get rid of him, but he is still there. So many balls in the air. Such short fingers to catch them.

    1. Apparently, Turberry rooms are commensurate with US Government lodging per diem in the Glasgow region. I was surprised. Must not be doing very well to be priced that low.

  3. Yeah, I don't get this at all.

  4. Possibly the Kurds could have landed on Normandy beaches with their camels (if they are a camel culture) and stormed the German bunkers....

  5. Not to be nasty, but Mr. Trump's bone spur would have prevented him from landing at Normandy. I guess he has given us license to throw him under a bus. Maybe a Fifth Avenue bus at high noon.

  6. Okay, I finally googled "Dunning-Kruger". That's very funny!

  7. One of my friends put the Kurdish situation as succinctly as possible: "Why would anyone ever trust us?"

    1. Jim, exactly. Regardless of how he tries to spin it, betrayal doesn't "make America great".
