Saturday, October 12, 2019

Theater of the absurd

From the WaPo:
President Trump told reporters Friday that he didn’t know whether Rudy Giuliani was still his personal attorney, adding that the two hadn’t spoken since Thursday.
“I don’t know,” Trump said, responding to a question about the lawyer as he prepared to leave the White House for a rally in Louisiana Friday evening. “I haven’t spoken to Rudy. I spoke to him yesterday briefly. He’s a very good attorney, and he has been my attorney.”
In a text message to The Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey shortly after the president’s comments, Giuliani confirmed that he’s still representing Trump.
“Yes,” Giuliani wrote. “I am still his attorney.”


  1. Look for Rudy to get thrown under the bus. I used to somewhat have a good opinion of him, or at least not a bad one. But that was years ago. You can't team up with Trump and not lose your integrity. Narcissists have no loyalty.

  2. Look at the verb, HAS Been....
    Sounds ominous!

    1. Haha. So true. Stay away from buses, Rudy. Or subway platforms, for that matter.

    2. The m.o. Is predictable now. Doubtless, Rudy will find out he is no longer the president's lawyer via Twitter.

  3. In less humorous news, McAleenan has quit/been fured. He seemed like a decent man with some.expertise and common sense. I expected he.would be axed based on those creds alone, but hard to see good people leaving, making way for more sycophants.

    1. And the one that they are looking to replace him with sounds pretty scary and hard core.

    2. None of these "acting" Cabinet heads could be confirmed by the Senate, even with Lindsay Graham and Jean's friend Chuck waving through the ethically challenged and the ignorant for the courts and, like that. That is why they are "acting." And when Trump fires an "acting," or the acting acts up and quits there are no hearings. Just like when kings had favorites and those who lost their favor.
