Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Turned Up & Tuned In

Happy to report the fireflies have returned. Cold evenings, sometimes in the forties, were worrisome. But last night and tonight they are out and about glowing in the darkness.


  1. This is a good firefly year here. Last year wasn't so good. But it's hot and humid, which they seem to love. We were saying that they're more enjoyable than real fireworks. They don't scare pets, or make noise all night.

  2. Hardly any fireflies here, though this week has been hovering around 90 with humidity at 70 percent, and looks to be hotter tomorrow and Friday. A couple of weeks ago, it barely made it into the 60s and 70s.

    Have seen hummingbirds and butterflies.

    Many fields have not been planted because of wet spring. Corn is a foot tall at highest. Lake Huron is so high that the marshes where we usually see herons and egrets are underwater.

    I lost a lot of plants and trees in the bitter winter. Others have come back with a vengeance and are choking out the ones struggling to come back.

    Between the altered landscape and the heat (which I don't tolerate well), it's been quite disorienting!

    1. Jean, I didn't have my reading glasses on and read "Others have come back with a vengeance..." as "Otters have come back with a vengeance..." Brought pictures into my mind of legions of angry otters.
      About the crops being behind schedule, it's like that here, too, in the areas that were flooded. In fact there's some land that probably won't be arable in the foreseeable future because of silt deposited by the flood.

    2. Ha, old age has its amusements.

      I am always thinking Raber is getting senile because I hear him saying something crazy like, "Get some tickets for Pence." What he actually said was, "We need to get some pickets for the fence."

      I guess those angry otters must have gnawed on the fence while they were here.

    3. Maybe the otters ate the fireflies.

    4. Those little devils! Wouldn't put it past 'em!

  3. Glad to see the firefly report is back. I saw my first ones about a week ago when I was out after sunset, and thought of the firefly report.

  4. We sat on a friend's backyard deck last night, from which point we were able to watch their town's fireworks show without the hassle of crowds and parking. While waiting for the festivities to begin, I saw the first fireflies of the season. I thought they were at least as impressive as the fireworks.
