Thursday, March 7, 2019

In The Bleak Midwinter

"In the bleak midwinter, frosty winds made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone, 
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow..."

The scene in front of our place this morning, after I sort of, kind of, swept off the car nearest the street. This was 6 inches of fresh snow, fallen on about 8 inches of not-fresh snow. Coldest February and start of March on record; we haven't seen a thaw since Feb. 4. Something to offer up for Lent, I guess.


  1. Ugh! I am so sorry.

    Our weather is still nothing that would remind anyone of spring, but most of our snow has melted. I *think* there are no accumulations of 1+ inches in the weather report. We have had snow cover for most of the winter - since before Christmas. It's pretty in November. But once we get into the cycle of snow/partial thaw/more snow/partial thaw/ etc., the snow, especially along the sides of the roads where the plows have been through, just gets really dirty and hard as a rock. When I was a teenager driving my mom's station wagon around Rockford, IL, I once put a dent in the car simply by sideswiping one of those roadside snowbanks - it was hard as a rock.

    Pray for spring!

    1. When the city employees remove snow from the streets, it is piled up at the fairgrounds. This year there is going to be a regular Mt. Kilamanjaro out there.

  2. Katherine, Condolences from Florida, where we just had our second coldest February in recorded history. (No. 1 was last year.) I thought when we moved to Florida that I wouldn't miss the snow -- and I don't -- but that I would miss stepping off icy curbs into swirling icy slush in March. But I don't miss that, either. It's easy to make the transition to the sub-tropics. Only problem is, if it gets below 65, everybody freeeeeeeezes here.

    1. Whoops, big error. That was the second HOTTEST February, second to the hottest last year.

  3. I have read that our cold spell is actually a result of global warming; that air which should be staying in the arctic is meandering down here. Meanwhile the arctic is getting warmer than normal temperatures, which isn't doing the polar ice cap any good.

    1. Chinese hoax. So is the rain that is falling on Greenland instead of the usual snow and that is melting the ice instead of adding to it. That is from a scientific source and, therefore, fake news.

  4. Just one more reminder of how glad I am that, once I left rural Wisconsin on 27 December 1962, I never moved back! We complain about the rain out here in the SF Bay Area … and we have fires and mudslides and the VERY odd earthquake …. but they are child's play to the winters I left behind.
