Saturday, March 23, 2019

English is a great language...

...not only for Poetry but Protest!

There is a BIG demonstration in London today. The Guardian has published photos of some excellent placards. Among them:

"Fromage not Farage"
"Our Future Rests on Your Shoulders, Don't Behead Youselves!"
"Don't EUrinate on Our Future."
"I've Seen Smarter Cabinets at IKEA."
"Don't Leave Us Alone!!! Germans Against Brexit!"
"Alexa!! Cancel!"

As well as costuming and small floats.  Mrs. May is thoroughly disparaged (Let us remember this during the coming Democratic Primary's glowing praise of women politicians. And don't forget Margaret Thatcher!)

The Guardian has "Running Coverage" of the demonstration with reports and comments from the crowd.

Now what about this Mueller fellow?


  1. I feel sorry for Mrs. May. She can't win. David Cameron is the one who set the whole mess in motion.
    With Mueller officially finished, I wonder how much of the report we'll get to see?

    1. I felt sorry for Mrs. May until I read this piece in the WaPo.

      The mitigating fact is that, given that there is no established way to leave the EU, how could she NOT blunder?

    2. Wow! Anne Applebaum gives her whatfor!

      She writes: "The list of her mistakes is not short"! And goes on to enumerate them. May was a moderate "remainer" during the campaign. When Cameron resigned was she so eager to become PM that she didn't think what she'd be up against? That would including Hard Brexiters like Johnson and Moggs who are thwarting what she see as a sensible Brexit. And the DUP!

      Would the Question be: Why did so many Tories left her have the job? Because they knew what was in store?

  2. Ah, it's good to see some humor in Britain in its new darkest hour. Dirty Brexit will be a mess they will need years to straighten out, but clean Brexit always was a square circle. I think the original proponents expected dirty and probably will get their way. I am not so sure about the folks who voted for it.

    The IKEA poster reminded me that IKEA doesn't have to keep sending new parts for the cabinet because the old ones have quit in disgust.

    At this moment, the New York Times has ten -- count then 10 -- stories and comments on its Web Site about the Mueller report even though nobody there has seen the first page of the report. The editorial is titled "The Meaning of the Mueller Report," which is an amazing bit of teasing meaning out of the invisible. Come on, let's find out what Mueller said before analyzing what we think he said into total confusion.

  3. Tom: Ten Stories and all of those photos of potential and actual miscreants in the print edition!

    Our paper was very late this morning. Bet they were throwing the whole thing together until midnight.

    You're a newspaperman. Don't you think they had all sorts of things lined up and had to produce something, even if there was nothing! Not even Maggie Haberman, the Trump whisperer, knows.

    1. The Newshour crowd last night: I could feel their hearts falling when the phrase, "no additional indictments," was uttered.

      Post-Trump, whenever that may be, the media is going to have a hard time lowering its' heart rate...truly obsessed. So glad I have Brexit! Lets me sleep at night knowing that when I wake up at 7, they'll be at work five hours ahead of me.

    2. Yeah, and the NewsHour took at least 3/4 of the broadcast to explain that nothing is known about Mueller's report.

      This is why Trump supporters complain, with some validity, that the MSM goes into a frenzy of speculation, blowing smoke to make it appear that there's some actual fire. It's not lying, which is Trump's favorite m.o., but the unwarranted coverage implies it's a Big Story.

    3. Margaret, Oh, yeah, a lot of that was B-matter written in advance to cover all contingencies. It will be rerun, no doubt, as actual, um, words from the report become available.

      No new indictments means Junior and the Kushners can relax a little. The assumption all along has been that the president can't be indicted, and he has to worry about what Mueller says about him. Of course, there is always the Southern District to make media hearts go pitty-pat.

  4. A lot of those 10 pieces is B matter that will be reritten and rerun to provide gravitas when actual words are available. I must say Maureen Dowd's tick-tock on how she spent the afternoon eating burgers (on Friday!) and drinking coffee informed me undermuch.

    No indictments doesn't mean Mueller can't list indictable offenses by Trump that he could be indicted for if he could be indicted, which he can't be under Justice Department rules.

    1. Can be indicted when he leaves office, can't he? Or can he?

    2. The assumption is, he can. The problem with that is that it encourages him to stay in office long past the end of his second term. I think the better strategy would be to indict Jared (Lock Him UP), Ivanka (Lock her up) and Junior and hold them hostage for a guilty plea from him. I'm not so sure he'd give himself up to atone for their sins. But I am even less sure he will leave office when his time is up.

    3. If indictable offenses are in the report, it would be pretty obvious what the reason for him refusing to leave office at the proper time was. Since he cannot legally serve a third term, an arrest warrant served at the end of his second one by law enforcement should solve the problem.

    4. Katherine, but by then Ivanka may be Secretary of Defense and Sean Hannity head of the FBI, why not? Dynasties don't go quietly.

    5. Well, my hope is that congress won't totally abdicate their duties.

    6. I thought they already did over Merrick Garland and last year's budget "debate." I know, the D's are back. But do you remember the story of Burden's ass. The animal was hungry and halfway between two bales of hay. He starved to death trying to make up his mind which one to go to. The Ds are at a midpoint among multiple bales of Trumpfaults, and they probably will starve to death while they think about which one the Rs might help them to impeach him on.
