Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Antidote for this evening

If, unlike me, you're planning (steeling yourself?) to watch the State of the Union speech, you need to prepare: depending on the great man's effects on you, lay in some Alka Seltzer, ibuprofin, or a tawny port.  Or, if the nerves need some soothing, you could listen to this:



  1. I stopped listening to SOTUs years ago, even before the Orange Orator became president. But thanks mightily, Jom, for the link to remind me there are beautiful sounds in the world.

  2. We can't bear to watch a 15-minute speech drug out to an hour and a half by standing ovations and introductions. At least not without a hit of whatever Bill Evans is smokin'.

  3. Jim, Thanks. Just when I should have been catching on to what Miles Davis was doing, I shipped out to Germany, where I was warmly welcomed at a basement jazz club that wasn't very interested in my guitar playing until I got to the "jazz" the crowd liked, over and over and over. Which was "You Are My Sunshine." When I got home, there had been two years of Miles I completely missed, and I have spent a lot of years trying to fill in that gap in my life. Bill Evans I know a little, but Debby is completely new to me, and I love it.

  4. I already watched Stephen Colbert's send-up of Trump's NYT interview. That's good enough.
    I plan to either watch an Inspector Lewis episode, or Hawaii Life on HGTV this evening.

  5. Tuned in just in time to watch the very end with sound turned down. Looking forward to Stacey Abrams ripping him a new one in a few minutes.

    1. ... which she didn't. SotU's and responses never seen to have any facts, figures, or substance. All just unsubstantiated claims.

  6. We watched an episode of Chicago Med that we had recorded, then an episode of Nature we had recorded. In between, I turned on the speech for 3-4 minutes and decided it was a waste of time.

  7. I enjoyed a Guinness with friends at a local establishment after a group dance lesson. Especially pleasurable as the SOTU wasn't on any of the monitors. Just black artists playing Jazz.

  8. I haven't watched a State of the Union speech in so many years that I've forgotten when it was. Maybe Clinton era? They generally are a waste of time, say little of importance, and, if they say something important then I will read about it the next day. The google news feed is simply throwing up fact checker stories, so I'm guessing it was the same old mix of self-congratulation, campaign slogans, and lies that we expect from Trump.

    1. Yes, they're made-for-television campaign speech events. All the constitution requires is that the president inform Congress from time to time. Sending them a letter once every four-year term would fulfill the requirement.

  9. I didn't watch any of it but listened to some news this morning. He's still harping on the stupid wall. I think he really would shut the government down again.
