Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Buffalo whistle blower

We've looked a couple of times now at the abuse-transparency scandal swirling around Bishop Richard Malone of the Buffalo, NY diocese.  First Things' Web Exclusives blog has now published a first-person account by Siobhan M. O'Connor, Malone's former executive assistant and the primary leaker to local media.  O'Connor describes how the scales fell from her eyes as she watched her boss pose for statues as the Most Reverend Transparency while allegedly being anything but.

It may be worth reflecting that without a local press corps, nobody hears the whistle blow.  If I can make a Giving Tuesday recommendation: subscribe to your local newspaper.


  1. Why would she possibly contribute her article to First Things? Or was she just being "in-your-face?"

    1. I don't know how that happens. I once wrote something for Commonweal because they asked me. Maybe in her case it was as simple as that.

      I will say that First Things is anti-abuse and anti-bishops-who-allow-abuse. Of course, that wasn't so much the case when Neuhaus was alive, especially the anti-bishops-who-allow-abuse part; he had the same biases, blind spots and misplaced loyalties as many other churchmen of his generation.
