Tuesday, November 13, 2018

And Guess Who's Coming for Thanksgiving

The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!
82.8K people are talking about this
82.8 people are being totally misinformed. Although Trump and Red Tide Rick Scott have spoken of votes from "nowhere," the real nowhere includes overseas and military votes that are not only not counted until last but do not even have to be at the elections office before the close of voting on election day.
Red Tide Rick, the governor who wants to be a senator, has been governor of this state for eight years. The governor can remove a county election supervisor for almost any cause he wants to dream up on a boozy night. Gov. Red Tide Rick is now suing two election supervisors who, among other things, know the law while he doesn't.
As for the other fool purveying this misinformation, what else do you expect? If the National Football League had not had the wisdom to keep him out of an owner's box, he would want to freeze the score at the last time he was ahead and blame a bad referee's decision.  I hope someone tells the GIs, whom he looooooves, that he doesn't want to count their votes.


  1. Was just reading some letters to the editor in our regional daily. One guy was writing in response to an article wondering how Iowans could possibly vote for Steve King. He said that he had voted for Trump in '16, and King in '18. His reasoning? "I vote for the policies, not the people." Trouble is, the policies and the people are inseparable, and both are bad.

  2. Republican politicians are the dumbest sons of b!%(#&$ in the history of dumb. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a few throwbacks from the days when Republicans were impossibly upright, correct and humorless.

    1. Everett Dirksen. Sense of humor. Actually lovable with his baritone froggy voice. "A billion here. A billion there. Pretty soon you're talking real money".

    2. Jim, Another great purge is under way here, and a McCloskey button turned up. That was Rep. Pete McCloskey, R-California, a Marine (there are no ex-Marines) who ran as an antiwar candidate against Nixon in 1972. (He also was an author of the Endangered Species Act.)

      And when I was working for the Trenton Times and was introduced to John Lindsay (at the Village Vanguard), I told him I wrote editorials for the first paper to endorse Woodrow Wilson and would be happy to do the same for him if he'd say the word. He wasn't about to give me scoop. I think that if I had grown up on the East Coast I probably would have turned out to be a Rockefeller or Javits or Case Republican. Of course, none of them are around any more; even in the day Lindsay had to flee to the Ds, and that was Before Reagan -- but After Goldwater.

    3. That's St Reagan to you, sir. (I am told).

      What has astonished me about the last two years is the death of the conservative belief that "conservatism" is linked to character. I blame Reagan for this as well.

    4. Patrick - your astonishment is well-placed. In my modest opinion, recovering that link is the key to any hope conservatism has for resuscitation and the retention of the flapping and dangling shreds of credibility.

  3. Re: President Trump and Thanksgiving: I hope my parents put a moratorium on talk about him at the Thanksgiving table this year. It was excruciatingly painful a couple of years ago, in the wake of the presidential election.

    1. We've had one tough family reunion, and there is a wedding coming up next year for which we all will be in the same hotel. I don't look forward to it. For Thanksgiving we're taking all (well some of) the lonely people to my favorite steakhouse, and the Trumpoleon who is coming knows she doesn't know squat in comparison with the rest of the company.

    2. We've got to get through my brother in law's funeral before Thanksgiving. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior. I think politics will be the last thing on anyone's mind when those of us who are able to, get together on Thanksgiving day.

    3. Katherine - so sorry for your loss.

    4. Thanks. He had been fighting cancer for a long time. It's one of those situations where you know what's going to happen, but are surprised when it finally does. It's hardest on my sister and their kids. But at least he lived to see 6 grandchildren.

    5. Katherine, I'm sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. But funerals seem to bring out the better in the mourners. A priest I know says at weddings there is always someone who is mad at someone else, but at funerals everybody is focused on what s/he coulda, shoulda, woulda done for the deceased.

    6. Tom, I think you're right. I have heard many priests say that funerals are easier than weddings. So far everybody is all over Facebook with happy memories of Tom. With some in-laws you have to pray and work hard to love them. But Tom was a zany fun guy who was always ready to lend a helping hand, even when he wasn't doing so great himself.

    7. Tom B, I just realized that you and my b.i.l. have the same first name, which makes my previous comment a bit confusing.

    8. Well, I think our Tom is a fun guy. Tom, are you zany? :-)

    9. Jim, If I ever figure out how to do it, I will post a photo of me as Moses (or Charlton Heston -- I'm never sure which) in the outfit in which I am sometimes called upon to humble myself. And you can figure out from that if I am zany. I warn you, though, I am not going to put any time into trying to figure out how to post it.

    10. Tom, I look forward to seeing that photo!
