Saturday, September 22, 2018

ICE will think about it some more

 The 48-year-old deaf and disabled guy who has been in this country since he was 12 got a 30-day reprieve from our ever-sensitive Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. ICE says it needs to think about sending the guy to certain pain and agony and, probably, death. It has to be a tough decision for the bureaucrats with badges.
 There seem to be a number of people in Michigan who think the decision to let him stay ought to be a slam dunk. But none of them report to a crazy guy with a Twitter account.
 Just keeping you up to date, since I made a stink about this case earlier.  We shall see where the scales of justice fall. Or fail, as the case may be.

1 comment:

  1. We will pray that they do the right thing and let this disabled man stay. I know, ICE "doing the right thing" sounds like an oxymoron.
    I cringed when I read about this story which has been playing out all week in Omaha. Long story short, an apartment complex where nearly 100 refugee families (Karen people from Myanmar) have been living was condemned by the dept. of health because of over 1000 health and safety violations. Most of these people aren't citizens. But apparently they were grandfathered in and are here legally, because there has been nothing said about deporting or sending them back (and unfortunately there would be, if their status was in question). Community and charitable agencies have stepped up, and everyone is at least temporarily sheltered now. The challenge will be to find 98 families long term housing that they can afford. Most of the people work in packing plants.
    The landlord is puzzling; he's your basic slumlord, except he lives in the units, too. He supposedly does the maintenance himself. Looks to be in his 60s or 70s from the picture I saw. Maybe bit off more than he could chew, it's not a retired-guy job.
