Monday, May 28, 2018

We've got ha'Pence

  Vice President Mike Pence popped in on a gathering of a ministerial group called Watchmen on the Wall at the Hyatt (not Trump) in Washington and uttered these astonishing words:

"I truly do believe that other than the service of those who wear the uniform of the United States, especially our cherished fallen, the ministries that you lead, the prayers that you pray, are the greatest consequence in the life of a nation."

 The  Veep proudly displays a Bronze Star medal in his Washington office. It's his father's, from the Korean War. The draft having been conveniently abolished, young Mike never had to serve. But there is nothing like the patriotism of a chicken hawk when it comes to....

 ... Well, what did Mike mean by those odd words to the preachers?

 There are several possibilities:
 1) The U.S. of A. outranks the kingdom of heaven.
 2) Protecting this land of ours is more important than spreading the Gospel.
 3) Shooting beats praying nine times to Tuesday.
 4) Soldiers have prettier uniforms.
 5) Mike never field stripped a rifle in the rain.
 6) He was just bloviatin', not thinkin'.
 7) ?

I think the ministers may have been harking back to Psalm 130, "My soul looks to the Lord more than sentinels for daybreak." You gotta hope the sentinels wait to see the whites of his eyes before firing. In case it's the Lord, I mean.


  1. I'm going to go with #6. Because he's a pretty good bloviator, and l haven't seen much evidence of thinking. He's the reason I am reluctant to wish for Trump's impeachment.

  2. Katherine, I think the next election is the only way to clean up this disaster. But Trump's popularity remains around a steady 40%. Perhaps we need anti-psychotics in the drinking water or less lead.

    1. I keep seeing these articles that say, well Trump isn't really that bad, he talks rough but is governing like a mainstream Republican. And then fail to support their case. They mention a couple of thing like the economy, and low unemployment. And say that he hasn't actually dropped any mukes. The economy is dependent on a lot of factors besides the president, so he can't claim credit. Trump's foreign policy is unmoored and erratic, and it will be the grace of God rather than anything Trump does or says if we don t bumble into WIII before his term ends. The best case scenario is if other countries write him off as an unreliable nut job, and go their own way.

    2. Yes. Economies react slowly, especially in recovery. If anybody deserves credit for the present upswing, it's Obama and Yellen.

  3. I truly don't know what Pence meant, except that maybe he was trying to say that praying for the nation is another way to serve the nation. But I do think that he'd be preferable to Trump as president. I think Democrats should be careful what they wish for.
