Monday, January 8, 2018


I don't know if you have seen this news item:
I like and admire Oprah Winfrey.  I read her magazine.  But I feel that if she wants to get into politics, she should start by getting involved at the state and local level first.  I know things such as experience and political know-how are quaint concepts.  Didn't we just prove that one doesn't need those? Well, not exactly.  The Trump administration is floundering and blundering.  Crucial positions go unfilled. The ones which do get filled are more likely to be given to cronies than someone actually qualified. If the Trump presidency lasts a full four years (let's not think about eight!) the government is going to be in sorry shape and in want of professionally suitable people to fill appointments. I am sure she could do better than Trump, but that bar is set pretty low. I'm assuming if she runs at all it would be as a Democrat.  She could probably give Trump a run for his money. But I feel that the Democratic Party needs to do the responsible thing and choose a candidate who is at least somewhat qualified to actually govern.


  1. Lord yes, I agree. Oprah is a talented actress. She is clearly a savvy business woman, able to maintain a brand for three decades. But she knows nothing about governing.

    The problem is that Trump has changed the idea of what it means to be president--a rich bigmouth blustering about making America great again, whether by bringing back coal or shutting down guys who are sexual predators.

    I am sick and tired of rich people with TV/movie bully pulpits. They don't live in my world.

  2. I agree, too. I hope Oprah wouldn't sully herself by getting into politics. Of course, I can't conceive why anyone would want to. be president

    1. Me neither, Jim. Oprah has a pretty good life, why would she want to mess it up?

  3. Yes, Katherine. The bar IS set low. I'd rather have Weird Al Yankovic as president. But please, I love you, Weird Al, but don't run.

  4. IF we have to do it again, I'd prefer the team of Amal Almuddin and George Clooney to Oprah. But I don't think we should do this again.

    I didn't see the speech, but from the excerpts and outtakes it seems she didn't mention the Stable Genius or the brilliantly led Congress. She didn't even cast her comments as a kvetch about the Boys Club in her industry. What I've seen has been upbeat to the point of watch out for diabetes.

    It is some sort of comment on the brain death of the Democratic Party that an a) upbeat speech about b) hope and vision and c) how to achieve it began presidential talk about the speakers. Democrats with political aspirations ought to study the speech and not sit back hoping Oprah will do all the work to offer coattails for their own anti-Trump kvetching.

  5. Second everyone. And third you too. Excellent move to get Trump re-elected in case he runs again, is nominated, or is still alive.

    Just goes to show that the standard now is, "you'll can run for president unless you're not a citizen!
