Monday, December 4, 2017

Trump's next mistake--and he made it!

There are so many  
  • stupid (Trump's lawyer claiming he wrote Sunday's tweet),
  • incredible (Trump denies that's his voice on the "Access Hollywood Tape), and
  • gruesome (Yemenis combatants are ferociously shelling Sanah, the capital)
 stories floating in the mediamiasma that you might have missed this:

It has been reported that come Wednesday, on behalf of the United States, that's you and me, Trump will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. If this were a gesture to advance the peace process between the Palestinians Authority and Israel, maybe (only maybe) there'd be some reason to it. Quite the opposite is likely: Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey have "warned of dire consequences" and the Palestinian FM has called for a meeting of the 22 member Arab League.

Why is Trump doing this? We cannot really know, of course, or even know whether he knows. But Eli Clifton at Loblog has a pretty good idea: "His biggest campaign contributor, billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, is showing growing impatience with Trump’s slowness in moving the [U.S.] embassy" to Jerusalem, one of Trump's big campaign promises. So instead, he is going to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem wiping out Palestinian hopes for their own capital in Jerusalem.

Net Effect: Trump appeases a major donor. Stirs the Palestinian-Israeli cauldron. And thumbs his nose at the Arab world. America grates again!

P.S. From Politico: "The State Department has warned American embassies worldwide to heighten security ahead of a possible announcement Wednesday by President Donald Trump that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel."  A plot! to get rid of more U.S. diplomats per Tillerson's "reorganization plan"?

MORE: President Emmanuel Macron warns Trump against recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And Turkey is threatening to break ties with Israel.  This is in the back of the newspaper and hardly on TV news, but it is a big deal!

The text of Trump's speech.


  1. When wondering about Trump's motivations, "follow the money" is always a safe bet. Placating donors was a big factor in forcing the tax bills through with a minimum of scrutiny and discussion. The Deep Pockets basically said to Congress, "Don't talk to me again" if you can't pass a tax bill. And blowing up Obamacare was near and dear to the hearts of the donors, I'm sure.

  2. I can't say anything,including this latest dumb move, that this guy ever did has surprised me. I expected, expect and will always expect the worst. If he were to launch an unprovoked nuclear strike, I would say "Well, of course. Sure."

    1. Plz, can't we impeach him before that happens? He has way exceeded either Nixon or Clinton's nefarious doings. Seriously, what does it take?

    2. Loss of the House and Senate in the 2018 elections

    3. We should be so lucky, Jack! Should Trump do this, and the Dems take control in 2018, any bets on whether they'd reverse the decision?

      Really not a congressional prerogative, I think, and if it were, the Dems might be shaking in their boots and their campaign coffers at the very idea of retracting. Just my suspicion and only my opinion.

    4. I, um, wonder about how I, Trump can simultaneously please his donor, who is Jewish, and his Nazi base, which would march on Sheldon Adelson if it could figure out who he is and where to fine him. But I am sure this will all work out for him with the alt-Right. Because with his base, all things work for the glory of Trump.

      So it also will be that his right-wing Christian base will perceive this not as a favor to a casino owner, and not as a call-out to fellow autocrat Bibi of Jerusalem, but as a fulfillment of the Psalmists' dreams. And so it goes.

  3. The Washington Post is now reporting that the announcement will come on Wednesday.

    I agree with Tom and Margaret that at least part of Trump's motivation here probably is to please an element of the Religious Right that views the modern state of Israel in a rather eschatological way, e.g. as a harbinger of the Second Coming of Jesus.

    1. Sheldon Adelson is not a member of what is traditionally called the "religious right," if we're talking Christian.

      He is one of Trump's biggest donors, if not the biggest.

    2. The ultimate hubris has to be thinking you can jump start the Second Coming with a political ploy. I would hope it would have more to do with justice rolling like waters.

    3. "The ultimate hubris has to be thinking you can jump start the Second Coming with a political ploy." Stanley, yeah. For some reason that makes me think of this Arthur Clarke short story I read years ago.

  4. Well WWIII may come from Korea, or maybe it will come from the Middle East...where it would begin in a non-nuclear fashion unless Israel decides otherwise.

    Our duly-elected president is a very dangerous man and the idea that his military minders, McMaster, Kelly, Mattis will keep this under control is looking iffffy.

  5. If you're myopic like me, this might work for you. When I look at Trump on TV with my glasses off, his combover/wig/whatever blends with his flesh tones and he looks as bald as he really is. The problem: he looks like a normal human being instead of the weirdo he really is. Keep doing what you're doing with your hair, Trump. It suits you, Tweety Bird.

  6. This morning I started quipping that moving the embassy to Jerusalem is a sign that Jared Kushner is going to prison. President* Trump sent Jared to get peace in the Mideast. If Kushner won't be available, the president* goes to the default position: Do the opposite of Obama.

    I thought that was funny this morning. Now I think maybe I nailed it.

    The announcement was not only unTrumpingly wonky but also full of asterisks. Like, it will take six days beyond forever to design an embassy building. Like, maybe Jerusalem will be capital of TWO states. Like, let's see how much you really love me, ye assorted sultans and sheiks: Keep your irate masses under control.

    Gee, if a president did what it looks like the president* is doing, I bet he would be impeached.

    1. Tom: You do you mean "'if a [Democratic] president did what it looks like [the Republican] president'is doing, I bet he would be impeaches."

      I am waiting for a keen analysis of the political/moral double standard that is operating in this Congress and among Republican party officials.

      Maybe Marilyn Robinson will write it up.

  7. ""The U.S. can no longer function as a diplomatic sponsor and [peace] mediator." So says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

    Frankly, I thought he was a little late coming to that conclusion after Sheldon Adelson's chum sent his Jewish son-in-law to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord. The question is, Who can replace the United States? Madeleine Albright once said we are the "indispensable country," but that was then, and this is MAGA. So who?

    The two sides made progress in Norway once, but who wants to negotiate in Oslo in January? The world has been relying on Angela Merkel, but she some problems of her own with minor league MAGA (or MGGA) types. Emmanuel Macron? A possibly, but he has been lightly run so far. Can he go run the Mideast distance? Putin? Maybe in his secret heart, the president* would like to see that, but geographically it's probably not on with him. It most likely comes down to Xi Jinping. He is the world leader with the mojo, stature and power. And we know he is a great negotiator after the way he got President Trump's pants and his wallet in exchange for a dinner.

    1. "Xi Jinping"!!! That would be a hoot. But wait! Is he anti-Semitic?
