Friday, December 1, 2017

The podcast I mentioned in answer to the post about the tax bill is Beveridge 2.0 rethinking the welfare state for the 21st century. If you listen to podcasts, this is a great one. It’s British. I think its a lecture series. Experts from different fields discuss issues ex this one had philosophers along with economists etc. By the way, I’ve learned how to delete. Rachel


  1. To paraphrase the Bible:

    Of the making of many posts there is no end.
    Much deleting brings weariness to the flesh.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes it is. It’s over an hour long but it’s great.

    2. Thanks, Crystal, for finding the link and especially for putting it into the html format that allows us to click on it.

    3. Thanks. Google "how do I make a text link in a text box." All hail Google the All-Knowing, Collector of Personal Info, Seller of All Things in Your Interest and Demographic Parameters.

      Google is like those mega hardware stores. You hate going there, but they got everything.

    4. Here's how I do it ...

      First, for this example, I will use parentheses ... ( and ) ... to stand for carrots ... < and > ... because if I use the carrots, you won't be able to see how this works.

      Say you want to make a hot link for Google's search page. You would write this ... (a href = "")Google(/a)

      And you would get this ... Google

      Just remember to use < and > when you write it, instead of ( and )

    5. Uh oh - this blog stretches everything you write out in the comments box but there should just be one space between a and herf and one space between href and = and no spaces anywhere else.

  3. Links and Other HTML in Comments is David Nichol's very helpful guide to putting links into our comments.

    Thanks to David for all he has done to make this blog possible. I encourage him to post more often.

  4. Rachel,

    Today is going to be a busy day in a busy weekend. Could you make a few more specific comments that might encourage me to have a listen to this podcast.

    In general I don't listen to podcasts, however I might do that as background to other tasks, e.g. housekeeping, if I were given a guide, e.g. outline to the contents of the podcast.

  5. Thanks Rachel and Crystal. I will have to check out the podcast, it sounds interesting.
    BTW, I could have sworn last night that there was a post with a link on Flynn's testimony (Plea-bargain-gate?) and a Tim Conry song, which I really liked.

  6. Oh, I had posted that before I saw that Rachel had posted something, so I took it away. But it's at my own blog too.
