Friday, November 22, 2024

I love Luce

 (CNA NEWS) — The Vatican introduced an anime-style mascot named Luce to represent Catholic pilgrims in the 2025 Jubilee year on Monday, Oct. 28 — and within a week, the character has already become a viral internet sensation.

Vatican’s anime-style mascot Luce goes viral on internet with Catholic memes, fan art

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Luce's "pilgrim friends" in the above picture are Fe, Xin, and Sky, and Santino the dog.  Also featured are a guardian angel and a dove, signifying the Holy Spirit. If you enlarge her image, you can see the pulgrim's scallop shell in Luce's eyes

"In less than seven days, hundreds of memes and fan art renditions of Luce (pronounced Lu-Chay) popped up on social media websites such as Facebook, X, Reddit, and TikTok and have been circulating the platforms. "

"The character has become particularly popular with Catholic meme accounts and groups but also has a presence in non-Catholic spaces, such as with amateur anime artists, Protestant meme accounts, and some secular and political meme accounts. "

"Luce's symbolism:  Luce, which is Italian for “light,” is a blue-haired mascot who wears a rosary around her neck and a yellow raincoat that is meant to symbolize journeying through life’s storms and reflect the color of the Vatican flag. She wears green muddy boots that represent a long and difficult journey and carries a staff meant to symbolize the pilgrimage toward eternity."

...The Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization commissioned the creation of the character, which was designed by Italian artist Simone Legno, who owns the company tokidoki, which creates products with Japanese-inspired designs. Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the Vatican’s chief organizer for the jubilee, unveiled the mascot during a news conference." 

...Thomas Graf, the social media manager for Catholic Answers, wrote in an article on Thursday that he worried at first that the character would be a failed attempt to “try to make Church cool and relevant.” However, he notes it was ultimately embraced by some Catholics within all age groups.

Luce is undeniably adorable,” Graf wrote. “Maybe you disagree, but I have to hand it to the creators: They nailed the look of childlike faith and innocence. And the pilgrimage symbols embedded in her character — muddy boots, Camino de Santiago shells in her eyes, pilgrim’s cross, and World Mission rosary — are subtle. Nothing evokes the overbearing ‘Jesus is COOL, kids!!’ lunkheadedness of, say, VBS mascots.

"Christians who are not Catholic have also jumped on the Luce thread to create their own versions of the character. One post in the Anglicanism subreddit developed an Anglican version of Luce with symbolism that represents their own denomination. Lutherans on Facebook and X have done the same, making Lutheran versions of Luce and claiming she converted — prompting strong responses from Catholics reclaiming the character. Some Orthodox Christians have made similar posts."

But some people never met a parade they couldn't rain on:

"Traditionalist Catholic theologian Peter Kwasniewski wrote on X that “even if Luce is not ‘evil,’ the fact that she’s kitschy, cutesy, cringey, merchy, and childish is already offensive to the religion of the Logos.”

And, "...Edward Feser, a Catholic philosopher and professor at Pasadena City College, also criticized the character on X: “Infantilizing the young with a dumbed down version of Catholicism does them a disservice.”

But over all the reaction has been positive:  "The Vatican intends to keep moving forward with the mascot. Luce made an appearance at the Lucca Comics and Games convention in Tuscany, Italy, this past weekend and will also appear at the Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan, next year."


  1. My younger son has a degree in graphic design. He was always kind of into anime. Now a couple of his daughters like it too.

  2. "... kitschy, cutesy, cringey, merchy, and childish ..." In other words, the perfect grooming victim for a pedophile. Worse, there is a whole underbelly of anime porn out there, and Luce has already received the porn treatment on several sites. Following is a serious story from El País, but it does contain non-porn examples of what the sexualized Luce looks like. Don't click if you don't want to see it:

    Anime porn is common enough that somebody at the Vatican with a modicum of pop culture savvy should have anticipated this would happen and quashed the character.

    All that aside, I honestly don't know whom the Church is trying to engage with Luce or how and thru what media the character is supposed to be presented. But the appeal strikes me as limited to white girls under 10 and adult women collect Hummels or Precious Moments figurines.

    Sorry to be a killjoy.

    1. I can't do better than "ugh," but I don't believe I have ever used the term cringeworthy before, so I am taking this opportunity.

      An interesting tidbit: But critics are asking whether the Vatican was aware that Mr Legno had previously worked on merchandise linked to Gay Pride events and a line of Lovehoney sex toys, including the “mini bullet vibrator” and the “massage wand vibrator”.

    2. The Church has no business promoting child "mascots" on the heels of the child abuse scandals it is trying to get past.

      As for Mr Legno, I presume most commercial artists have done some work for products they'd prefer not to be associated with just to pay the bills. (A company I once worked for sent our team to Dallas to do a customer service program for Spectravision.) But, yeah, that tidbit about the sex toys is gonna make the rounds ...

    3. Dang, if I'd known it was going to elicit such outrage I wouldn't have posted it. But since I did, I'm not taking it down. I suppose there is porn anime. Because there's porn everything. But anime is a pop art form that's been around for quite a while. No it's not Michelangelo. Luce is just something I can picture my granddaughters enjoying. Yeah it's kitsch. So what. When I was a kid there was Treasure Chest comic books. And everyone knows comic books are satanic. I like Luce better than Veggie Tales. Which are pretty cheesy. But if some kids enjoy them and get a good message from them, that's good.
      I guess what appealed to me about Luce was the pilgrim theme, and the muddy boots, to suggest that being a pilgrim here below is sometime a slog.

    4. I'm not going to use a Luce picture to mark my place in my prayer book. I've got a Holy Eucharist card or an Immaculate Heart of Mary one for that. To keep my mind on the higher things.

    5. There are at least a couple dozen Luce discussions over on Reddit in various denominational and religion-averse groups. The group devoted to Luce fan art put up a warning that Luce can be shown fighting other cartoon characters with her staff but not guns, cannot be portrayed in revealing or suggestive poses, and cannot be shown denigrating the Church or using bad language. I have not made a study of this and don't want to, but I am assuming these rules were made because the group got enough depictions like this that they became a problem.

      Yeah, porn is everywhere, and the El País story talks about how AI has generated porn using the likenesses not only of Luce but of real live female world leaders like Theresa May, England's former PM. The story also points out that it took just 24 hours after the release of the Luce character for it to appear on porn sites.

      We live in a sick world.

      I certainly don't expect you to apologize for liking what Luce represents to you or for posting about this.

    6. That's (one of the many) troubles about AI, you can't believe what you see. So people aren't going to believe anything they see.

  3. Personally, I'm not much for anime, although a couple of my kids were into it when they were younger (I had never heard of it until one of my kids started bringing home anime movies from the library.) If Luce serves some positive purpose, then - great.

    As for Luce's "conversions" to other denominations, the sexualization, the ungracious carping by Kwasniewski and Feser - it's all part of the package in an online world, I guess. I find that 90%+ of that silliness can safely be ignored.

    At the risk of finding myself in alignment with Kwasniewski and Feser: whenever the church tries to position itself as hip and happening, the results, more often than not, are unfortunate, and not infrequently are unintentionally hilarious. For the church's sake, I hope Luce isn't a case in point.

  4. Probably Catholics are not tuned in, but there's a long tradition of child evangelists in the fundie-gelical churches that are either stomach turning or high camp, depending in your tastes. For example, here's Little Marcie:

  5. I guess I have been turned off by the Vatican's hoopla about synodality and the Bishop's hoopla about the Eucharist. I am going to ignore the Holy Year.
