Monday, March 22, 2021

Silly COVID songs - Updated

 Discovered during idle moments on the world's longest work conference call this past weekend:

This is the Phoenix Chamber Choir, which is based, not in Arizona but Vancouver: an a capella rewrite of Billy Joel's "For the Longest Time".  Observe the use of the Clorox Wipes container as a rhythm instrument.  We'd classify this one as mildly silly. [Update: original post had the link to a silly song on some other topic - now corrected. H/T, Jim McCrea.]

Raising (or lowering) the silliness quotient to an entirely different level, this one-person re-imagining of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody".  Very silly, but some pretty impressive vocals by Raul Irabien.


  1. The first link was to a presentation of the national anthem @ CPAC! nothing to do with COVID.

    The second link led to what you said it would be.

    1. So sorry! That was a different vein of silliness I was following last night - musicians trying to fix the train wreck of that National Anthem rendition. Some pretty good barbershopping, actually. Here is that link:

      I'll find the right link and fix the post.

  2. An American Masters episode on Flannery O'Connor airs this week on PBS. Check local listing. Some of her writing gives me goosebumps.
