Saturday, March 20, 2021

Praying in a Pigsty

Morning Prayer – Saturday, 20th March 2021 | Canterbury Cathedral

Join Dean Robert - and nine surprise arrivals 🐷 - for today’s Morning Prayer from The Deanery Garden at Canterbury Cathedral.

The Dean appears very comfortable in the pigsty. 

Betty grew up on a farm and so loves all sorts of animals. My grandparents were tenant dairy farmers; I remember work horses, and chickens in addition to the cows and a bull, and of course cats and a ferocious dog.. I think there were pigs at an earlier farm they rented when I was very young.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen Clemmie before, a couple of months back. Which of course was before she had the piglets, nine of them, I think? That's a lot of offspring to feed! I enjoy hearing Dean Robert. Yes, he does seem quite comfortable in his surroundings.
    I don't know much about pigs, we only had cattle and horses when I was growing up. The Bible isn't very kind to pigs. Some other time we'll discuss the incident of the Gadarene swine and my take on that story.
