Monday, July 27, 2020

New Interface

Is the transition complete? Posts there don't seem to have comments.
Anyone mastered the beast?
As my mother used to say: "Why don't you leave well enough alone!!"


  1. I don't know what you are getting. I am getting the old look, as if nothing has changed. I tried the "New Blogger" when they first put up the try-it link and didn't much like it. But I haven't been back, and the old screen keeps reappearing.

    1. The old screen, which they call the legacy interface will continue only until August 24. So we all have to learn the new interface. I have switched over to the new interface.

  2. The new "blank" look came up when I signed on. Posts there, but no comments. Usual threats to the new. I hit revert and got back here.

    Take us to our leader!?

  3. I used the "new blogger" for my previous two posts.Because I didn't seem to have a choice. It was all that showed up after I clicked on the invitation to take a look. It is more awkward to use. Especially to form a link; you have to click "publish" and then come back into "edit".
    I am still getting the old look for the home page, and comments still show up for me. Yeah, I don't know why they didn't leave it alone. I did read that they were trying to make it more friendly for mobile phones.

  4. Katherine, you are now the expert! :-)

    I have done one very quick test post. I will do my best to investigate any issues. It would be helpful to be specific about any problems you run into or any questions you have. I noticed there are some tutorials on Youtube that purport to give instructions. The one that appeared most comprehensive, however, was in Hindi.

    1. LOL about the instructions in Hindi, that's probably the best one.
      The main problem I noticed was the one I mentioned about forming a link. If you want a word or a phrase instead of the whole url, it used to be you could right click on the url and you would get an option to "change". That's still there, except now you have to publish first, then come back to "edit".
      I suppose it would be too much to hope that there was a way to edit a comment.

  5. The Create/ Edit Link function works somewhat as before.

    (It also now has a Create/Edit anchor which allows you to create a table of contents as a heading to a long post, and then link to the various subheadings to the post -not very useful for us)

    The dialogue for establishing a link just looks different.
    The title of the link is at the top, it now has a line for the text rather than a box

    Below it is the place for the URL, again a line rather than a box.
    When you paste the URL on the line, it duplicates above for the title just as before.

    You can replace that URL title with any one you want.

    In order to edit an existing link, you have to carefully highlight the link before it and its title will come up on the appropriate lines.

  6. I don't initiate posts on here, but I have not.noticed any changes in my own site. Maybe That Day will be a rude surprise Aug 24.

  7. I posted my most recent post using the new interface (I think it gave it to me my default). I was able to figure out how to do what I wanted to get done.

    The one thing I'm not certain about: this morning I went to edit the post to fix a few things, and it didn't take me directly to the edit screen. I clicked on an icon which indicated it would allow me to edit it. After I clicked on it, it gave me a message that the post had been "withdrawn" or some such; I was left with the impression that it had disappeared from the blog. I was a little terrified because there were some good comments which I didn't want to be lost. I fixed (most of) what I wanted to fix in the post, and hit a button which seemed like it would publish it. It all worked out. But the prompts were a little confusing.
