Saturday, June 6, 2020

Der Feuerteufel...only one word in German!


  1. I agree once would have been enough, but it somehow it duplicated!

  2. I wish I had been in the room when Angela saw that.

    BTW, did everyone get George Conway's tweet from Gene Palumbo:

    Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump· Jun 4
    Few people know where they’ll be in two years from now, but I do, in the Great State of Alaska (which I love) campaigning against Senator Lisa Murkowski. She voted against HealthCare, Justice Kavanaugh, and much else...

    George Conway@gtconway3d·Jun 4
    frankly I don’t see how you’d be eligible for parole by then

  3. Der Spiegel had a similar cover in March 2016. They saw what was coming. Scroll down in the story for the cover photo.

  4. George Conway’s tweet is my laugh for the day! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I had to look up the translation; literally it was "fire devil", or fire starter. Pretty apt. Germans have a way with words.

    1. I wonder if it equates to "The Arsonist". That seems a rather fitting description of our president. Although I don't know that he is actually profiting from them; he's more like one of those guys who just enjoys a good conflagration. So maybe "The Torch".

  6. Could we say that they know whereof they speak...or make one word out of two?

  7. Has anyone read about Archbishop Vigano's open letter to Donald Trump? I hesitate to link to something on Lifesite. But this letter seems to be all over a bunch of sites.

    1. Between the dark (black?) forces and the deep state, it appears that the titular archbishop of Ulpiana has lost his marbles.

    2. I didn't know they still made people titular archbishops of archaeological sites. He ought to go spend some time there.
      Sort of reminds me of the pretend country that my brother and I made up when we were kids, Blankstralia.

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