Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Take that Sen. McConnell

Gov. Andrew Cuomo visited Trump today, and then he went to the National Press Club for his daily press conference.....

Listen up!  Be sure to get to the Q and A.


  1. He really socks it to McConnell with the question that starts at about 33 minutes; comes right out and says he is lying.

  2. In the conference itself, Cuomo is business-like in describing his meeting with the presidents. He expects to hear back from him "tomorrow" on the infrastructure discussion. He refers to Trump as a builder who knows these are projects that need doing and could effectively be done now by way of bumping up the economy, which they both want.

    When in the Q and A, a reporters asks where Trump stands vis a vis the state and local budget issues, Cuomo seems to imply that Trump gets that...or is soft on it, whereas McConnell is, well a taker and a hypocrite. Do I see here a wedge being driven between Trump and McConnell on the Dem House Bill? Cuomo also reminds all the Republicans up in November that they cannot explain to their constituents why they haven't vote funds for state and local governments, many of them broke from corona virus expenditures.

    Maybe I am starry-eyed, but is this the break-up of the Senate Republican strangle hold on the House Dems. We shall see.

  3. That Senator Scott he called out for ties to McConnell is Florida's own former governor --the one who set up the Unemployment Compensation that didn't work -- he said "good" -- and didn't fix it when outside experts counted the ways it didn't work. Twice. The same Rick Scott who presided over the biggest Medicare fraud in the history of hospitals ripping off Medicare (and took the 5th Amendment 75 times when investigators tried to ask him about it, and THEN took the golden parachute the hospital system gave him to go away to run for governor and promote medical service companies he had stock in). His current senatorial position is: Cut off unemployment comp ("good!") because it is a disincentive to workers being called back to work by employers who won't life a Purex bottle to protect their workforce -- and who, by the way, cannot be held liable if their dereliction causes employee or customer deaths under a bill Scott and McConnell are pushing. His hand is always out. And it is very sticky. But don't get me started.

    1. How about we get you on Cuomo's next press conference to explain who Scott is. He made clear McConnell many's sins, but he just mentioned Scott in passing. Scott does look like a Dick Tracy ne'er do well.

    2. I thought it was interesting that, among so many walking messes in the Senate, Scott was able to attract a New York governor's irritated attention in only his second year. There is no telling where that skinhead may go.

    3. I suspect a big percentage of New York's pension money ends up in Florida and Cuomo regrets Scott having the benefit of free money.

  4. The more I watch Cuomo I like what I see and hear. I think Trump is scared spitless of him and fears that maybe the Democrats will nominate him for POTUS instead of Biden.

    I like Joe but he bumbles thins way too much anymore. I'll most certainly vote for him and whomever the VPOTUS candidate is, but not with the amount of excitement I'd prefer.
