Tuesday, November 12, 2019

So many dolts, so little time

 Every now and then (all the time, my wife says) I come across a new low. The other day, it was a bumper sticker reading "So Many Species, So Little Time." It was mated with a Trump 2020 sticker. Of course. (You were expecting maybe "Support Breast Cancer Awareness"?)
 I don't suppose that would be overly popular in the Bahamas these days, but, hey, MAGA.
 In the normal course of events, something new would come along. I didn't expect it to be that bumper sticker turning  into public policy. But, thanks the the Environmental Protection Agency, it is due to become  policy next year. (Also here.)

 The deal is, if you are going to push stinkin' science at the swamp dwellers who now run the government on an acting basis, you have to give them all the raw data, including confidential medical records, used by scientists to reach their recommendation. This is supposed to "ensure that the science supporting agency decisions is transparent and available for evaluation by the public and stakeholders.” We've seen how "stakeholders" handle science when they are an extractive industry and it is evidence that they are doing a lot of damage.
 One more thing: The rule will be retroactive. They can go all the way back to Gifford Pinchot and start throwing out rules for "failure to comply."
 And they will.
 Pope Francis said this, about part of that:
Each year sees the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species which we will never know, which our children will never see, because they have been lost for ever. The great majority become extinct for reasons related to human activity. Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, nor convey their message to us. We have no such right. -- Laudato Si', § 33
But we'll wipe out as many as we can in the time we have.


  1. What does one do in the face of someone flaunting their ignorance, or their sinfulness, or maybe it's just immaturity, as instanced by that bumper sticker? I guess, sigh and redouble one's efforts to engage and educate?

  2. You could take "so many species, so little time," as meaning there was so little time to save them. But coupled with the Trump sticker, that probably wasn't what was meant.

  3. There's a kind of nihilism among some Trump supporters. Not only do they tout this stuff to piss off liberals, they seem to revel in the destruction of anything that would prevent America from being "great." To hell with your spotted owl, there's men out of work!

    I'm surprised they're not agitating to put lead back in paint and those foot x-ray things back in shoe stores. Them things provide JOBS!

  4. Well, regarding that mentality, it apparently doesn't fly in good old Deutschland.


    1. How stooooooooopid does one have to be to hate something someone else is doing so much he will risk a punch in the nose? I noticed the other incident linked to in the article -- blasting diesel fumes at another driver -- involved the inevitable "Florida man." Both aggressors were driving pickups.

    2. Well, at least some people must not have any real problems in their lives. For goodness sake, the Tesla is made in America. I guess the Tesla stands out due to its styling. Bolts and Leafs (Leaves?) are harder to pick out. Blocking charging ports is another thing. But it turns out the Tesla, with its battery pack, is a very heavy car. With the power of the motors and a chain, a Tesla can drag a full size pickup out of the spot.
