Monday, October 7, 2019

FWIW, Barron Week 2

 The second of five Sunday homilies (sermons?) on Bishop Baron's "Letter," was delivered by our transitional deacon. He preached on the Habakkuk in the Lectionary, about taking your gripes and anger to the Lord.  Said we should do it and encourage others to do likewise.
 He brought in people who have gripes about the contemporary Church, including lousy preaching and music. So the sermon was not limited to, but included, anger about sexual abuse an its cover-up. But it was mostly about how God listens to anger and can deal with it. Quite theological. No mention of Eli, though.
 Next week: Chapter 3. And one of the Carmelites will have to do it. I also found out that Letters to a Suffering Church is a parish, not diocesan, project.


  1. Tom, that sounds pretty "out there" for a transitional deacon. My experience is that they are as cautious and risk-free as possible. This guy sounds like he knows a little something about real life. Good on him.

    1. This guy is about 9 feet tall, mid-30s. I, who look down on most people, have to crane my neck to talk to him. He got in a line about how tough it is to break up with someone you loved -- said it was especially hard on his girlfriends. Said it with a straight face. Waited. Got the laugh. Unfortunately, he will be ordained for the diocese of Tallahassee-Pensacola. (The seminary for the whole state is in Palm Beach County. Assignment to our parish was once known there as "going to the Holy Land." But that was years and pastors ago.)

  2. We had a visiting priest from the Philippines yesterday; he was raising funds for his diocese, which is very poor. I'm afraid he didn't do very well with his collection. He was hard to understand, and his homily went into overtime. The 10:30 congregation was waiting by the door for the 9:00 to get out.
    It was right-to-life Sunday in the archdiocese, and there was a walk scheduled along the main drag through town. You were supposed to pick up your sign after Mass. We didn't, we were slackers and went home. The notion (not entirely unfounded) that the Democratic candidates think it's okay to kill babies is going to cost them.
