Saturday, April 27, 2019

Bernie Organizing Day Today

I just returned from the local (Mentor, Ohio) organizing kick off meeting for  Bernie Sanders, the content of which is described in the above link.

We had about 20 people, roughly evenly divided between the elderly and the young, men and women. The meeting was organized by a young woman of college age. She did a good job of dividing us up into a groups that did not know each other, and left our discussions develop over sufficient time that they were productive without becoming boring. 

The video that featured Bernie was targeted on the Bern app which will allow people to be their own organizers and recruiters feeding into a system that will track people to be sure that they are registered and then vote. It is like opening more that 4700 field offices today. Obama made a great deal about organizing his campaign. For the second term he built a large computerized get out the vote effort.

As presently scheduled Ohio's presidential primary will take place on Tuesday, March 10, one week after Super Tuesday.  However, it may be moved back to May where it is in non-presidential elections. 

I brought up the issue of our incumbent Republican Representative with the young organizer. She agreed with me that it was just as important that we replace him as getting Bernie elected. She noted my name and said that she would be in contract with me as things develop. So maybe we will have a grass roots organization that makes a blue wave. 


  1. Bernie wouldn't be my first choice, but I would choose him over Trump. Good luck with the grass roots thing.

    1. I think of Bernie as my default candidate; someone has to prove themselves better. So far most of the candidates are unclear what they are about; I just don't know them.

      Biden is another establishment person like Hilary. Both are a step back from Obama. In fact one might say Obama was socialized by them to be less than what he initiated promised.

      Warren, however, may be interesting. Commonweal has an article about her ideas to put workers on boards. That is very interesting to me since Greenleaf proposed in Servant Leadership that we reform large institutions be having Trustees (Directors) who took into account all who were impacted by the large organization.

  2. I question the wisdom of moving Ohio's primary back to May. That's when Nebraska's is, and what it means is that we're always a day late and a dollar short as far as having any say in the presidential nominee.

    1. Yeah, what's May all about? Trying not to offend Himself?

  3. Here's the link for the Commonweal piece that Jack referred to:
