Friday, April 19, 2019

A quick thought about the Holy Thursday service this evening

My wife and I both have stressful jobs, and today, both of us had particularly bad days at work.  Neither of us was in a frame of mind to go to church after the days we had, but we decided that it is Triduum and we should be there.  Both of us sang in the choir.  We're both really glad we went.  For me, it was a good spiritual experience.  I was feeling the truth of the dictum that s/he who sings once prays twice (or however that goes).  There is something about making music that is creative, and also it engages the whole person - it uses the core of the person's body, it requires concentration, it requires collaboration, it requires sacrificing one's ego for the good of the body of Christ (as instantiated by the choir), and when it's done in praise of God, there is a spiritual dimension as well. 

I know there is a futility in writing about really subjective things like a spiritual experience or a musical experience.  Just want to share that tonight was good for me.


  1. Jim, glad you had a good experience last night. Sometimes one gets surprised by grace when they least feel like being there.
    We had a good Mass, too, except it was a little busy and stressful. Another group was doing music. I was one of the EMHCs. Our parish only does Communion under both kinds once a year, on Holy Thursday. And every year we have to figure out how to do it again. There were 7 EMHCs, 3 deacons, and the priest. In a small church that's a lot of bodies up front. I was one of the cup bearers; I am always relieved when it's over and I managed not to spill the Precious Blood.
    Tonight my choir is doing music. We always do it acapella, with four part harmony for Good Friday. That's more my comfort zone, and as you say, there's something about music that brings one into the spiritual dimension.

  2. Jim, sorry you and your wife had bad work days. On my own job, I had stressful times but not constantly. Be that as it may, it always seemed to ramp up around Lent enough to disrupt any attempts at contemplation. I'm glad you and your wife were able to move the bad stuff to the back burner, even temporarily. In addition, one might assume that working from home makes for a more relaxed environment but apparently not.

  3. Singing is mentally therapeutic, free, and modulates the breathing. Why we don't do it more is beyond me.

  4. Pretty sure these would not be kosher for Catholic use. But you have to admit they solve some problems (while creating others). Only half or less of the congregation ever receive from the cup in our parish. Part of it is not being used to it, and part of it is being reluctant to drink after others.

    1. Drat, link didn't work again. Here is the image:;_ylt=AwrE1xwV4LlcDiQAH9dXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTExb2dlZTF1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDREZENl8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=idea+communion+packet+bread+juice&fr=tightropetb#id=3&

    2. We had "dunkin' dominus" (intinction) at the Episcopal church.

      However, I avoid even that as one of the immune-compromised. A cold, for me, turns into a month-long week ordeal with secondary infections, antibiotics, and Prednisone. I avoid the holy water font and do not hold hands at the Our Father or shake at the peace.

      I wearied of explaining this to Raber, who apparently thinks that being at Mass confers immunity from illness, so I go sit in the back with the old widower farmers who don't glom all over you.

      Recovering alcoholics often don't take the cup. I

      It's no one's business why people don't partake, and others ought not assume things because they don't.

    3. "Dunkin dominus", I hadn't heard that one! I hear you about the contagious stuff. I'm a little germophobic myself. My husband laughs at my "air holy water" move, of not quite touching the water. I do that especially when there is a sketchy looking sponge in the bottom.

  5. I've had all my shots. Even pneumococcazola pneumonia. Mostly because I'm a caretaker now. I just plow ahead, wine cup, holy water, sign of peace, you name it. I have to cancel out that OCD in my heritage. But, yes, it's an individual situational thing. Immunocompromised is definitely a problem.
