Monday, July 9, 2018

One Monarch Butterfly Spotted

in New York State (won't say where lest the tourists come googling).

It looked good, hovering over a milkweed. Will keep you posted.


  1. No monarchs sighted yet here. Though the milkweeds are blooming. We have plenty of fireflies, though.

  2. Milkweed aren't blooming here. We have not had many fireflies, butterflies, and no bees. Have not heard our woodpecker or seen any bats.

    I wonder if the idiot village council killed everything off with its mosquito abatement program. Maybe got a deal on some DDT somewhere.

    Looks like we're in for a hot dry spell with no rain until the latter part of the month. The lawn is crunchy.

    1. I know - our grass is brown, too. Seems like it was less than two weeks ago that the rain was coming down faster than the ground could absorb it.

      We do have bees. Still haven't seen any fireflies. Kind of strange.

  3. The firefles have dwindled. Is it possible that they have genetically/demographically modified themselves to coincide with the sparkle plenty of July 4? As a child, I think they were around most of the summer, most of the nights.

    One butterfly two days ago...Isn't look like a banner year for the Monarchs. It is definitely a banner year for I hope more Monarchs show up, before their post cacoon stage when they will chant: Gotta go, Gotta Go. Gotta Go to Mexico.
