Thursday, June 7, 2018

For the record

First firefly of 2018:  June 7, 9:38 pm. Seemed to be wandering aimlessly. Hope it's okay.

Sighting was in Central New York State. Temperature said to be 59, possibly true.


  1. And the Fordham Tick index for the week-end of June 1-3 was 4.... 1 is low; 10 is high (recommends going to a movie instead of being outdoors. This is a measure of ticks in Westchester County (not NYC).

    New York City is tracking Ticks (none in Central Park--where there are no deer); lots in Staten Island, where the city is offering to inspect people's back year for the little critters.

  2. Just read something about this. Chicago is supposed to be the top city for Lyme ticks.

    No fireflies in Michigan. Everything is late this year. Six weeks ago, we had snow. A week ago it was over 90.

  3. Haven't seen any fireflies yet. Maybe the skunk infestation has eaten them all ...

  4. Rain, nothing but rain. Mosquito season should be a doozy if the rain ever stops (and those native drums finally cease). East Nile disease, dengue fever, Zika virus, Eastern equine encephalitis -- all those things Florida's Ministry of Sunshine conceals from you. And hurricane season is projected to be above average.

  5. As if we don't have enough to be terrified by (1812 and all that), here we are in sunny season with tics, Zika, Encephalitis.... At least, the fireflies don't carry something--or not that they've told us yet.

  6. No fireflies here yet. We had our ten days of spring. They weren't contiguous days. Now it's always 90-something for temperature, so we should be seeing fireflies soon.
