Monday, July 31, 2017

... another one bites the dust

I just came in to get a cookie and coffee and read some Jane Austen, when I saw on the tablet alert that the NYT says new Chief of Staff John Kelly insisted that Anthony Scaramucci be relieved from duties as communication director.

Apparently, Kelly told everybody he was in charge, and objected to Scaramucci's bragging that he reported directly to the president.

Is some sanity and and discipline in the works? Will Trump's Twitter account die? Is Kelly channeling Al "I'm in charge" Haig?

And what about Jeff Sessions?

Don't blink or you'll miss something.


  1. On the day his second chief of staff is sworn in, Trump has to go searching for his third communications director. Filling slots is taking up time he used to use for Twitter. If Kelly can do in Moosh without cussing, I give him two months before Trump gets tired of his new toy and starts looking for another. (I had been giving him only a month.)

    Meanwhile Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III keeps deporting the parents of American citizens. He was at the Cabinet meeting today, still beleaguered, still smiling. It's still vulgar lunatics wall-to-wall.

  2. "Vulgar lunatics, wall-to-wall."

    I like my lunatics refined. Like Blanche DuBois, Miss Havisham, and Hannibal Lecter.

  3. You can't tell the players without a score card...part of me just wants to sit and watch the entertainment. The dog days of summer; there's nothing good on t.v. right now anyway. But some chilling thoughts occur to me. What if an actual crisis interrupts the vaudeville show? Something like North Korea lobbing a bomb, nuclear or otherwise, on one of their neighbors. Or Iran getting frisky and blatantly breaking the terms of the non-proliferation agreement. Or another terrorist attack on US soil. Something that requires a cool head and clear thinking from the White House. We'd be so screwed.

    1. Good point: As, for example, North Korea is playing with ICBMs that can hit the Heimatland, and the director of Homeland Security is off putting out political fires at the White House with a successor yet to be named and even yetter to be confirmed.

    2. As Michael Moore says, "He's gonna get us all killed."

      Never mind his destabilizing the insurance markets for those of us on the ACA.

  4. And it's being said that Trump may try moving Sessions to take Kelly's former job so that he can put in a new guy at the DOJ who will fire Mueller.

    At the WH press briefing, Sanders said Trump fired the Mooch because his language was inappropriate - what a joke. The pussy-grabber in chief never said a word against Scaramucci after the interview was made public.

    1. Jaysus. You just can't make this stuff up. What's Sessions' credentials to run National Security?

    2. Probably the same ones he had to get his present post ..... puppet-ability ;)

  5. Maybe Trump will fire his whole cabinet during the August recess and appoint a new one (all recess appointments) just to teach the Senate a lesson.

    1. And bring back the Mooch as Secretary of State and then order him to call Putin, Iran, North Korea, China, Mexico and Iceland (to make an even six) and call them what he called Priebus and Bannon in New Yorker

    2. The Mooch better be careful - Icelanders are scrappy :)

  6. From my friend Dana Randall's Facebook feed:

    Ten little Trump Appointees standing in a line...
    One collaborated with the Russians, then there were nine.
    Nine little Trump Appointees bursting with hate…
    One hired an illegal, then there were eight.
    Eight little Trump Appointees lyin’ ‘bout the Kremlin...
    One took the fall, and then there were seven.
    Seven little Trump Appointees, inner circle picks…
    One schmoozed the media, then there were six.
    Six little Trump Appointees, minds like a hive…
    One used his brain, and then there were five.
    Five little Trump Appointees, evening the score…
    One crossed the Mooch, and then there were four.
    Four little Trump Appointees, cocky as can be…
    One failed to be a mini-Trump, so then there were three.
    (to be continued)

  7. Thanks, Claire. Be sure to report back when it is "continued". As it will be.
